Back to Faraway

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Sunny started packing up. His mom noticed this and walked in.

Sunny's mom said, "What are you doing?"

Sunny said, "I was asked to join someone to Faraway for spring break. And I said yes. So, they're going to pick me up soon."

Sunny's mom looked unsure about it. Especially after what happened before they moved away.

Sunny said, "Please. I can't just stay here and do nothing for the rest of my life."

Sunny's mom said, "Well. Be careful. Okay?"

Sunny said, "I will."

Sunny went into the car with his luggage, and then the car drove away.

Sunny just looked outside the window. Not even bothered to look at Amil, who was sitting next to him. Amil appeared to want to talk to him. But he wasn't sure about talking to him.

Amil said, "So, how come you have a scar on your eye?"

Sunny looked at Amil with uncertainty. He wasn't sure about telling him.

Sunny said, "I don't want to talk about it."

Sunny looked back at the window and saw the trees pass by. Amil appeared a bit upset.

Amil said, "You know. I never really had anybody I considered a friend until I met you."

Sunny noticed and looked at Amil again.

Amil said, "I asked you to come cause I wanted to get to know you more."

Sunny said, "I'm sorry. I just want to see my friends again."

Amil said, "Can you introduce me to your friends?"

Sunny said, "Maybe."

Amil placed his hand on Sunny's shoulder. Giving reassurance to Sunny that he'd be there to help.

Sunny started to fall asleep. He opened his eyes, and he was back in Witespace. He noticed Omori lying on the ground.

Omori said, "I guess you still want to see them again."

Sunny said, "I just have to see if they forgave me."

Omori said, "But why? They were an old life. It would be better to forget them and move on."

Sunny said, "Basil."

Omori said, "Him again? We don't even know if he's the same person anymore. After all, he did stab you in the eye and begged you to stay like a yandere. And-"

Sunny said, "JUST SHUT UP! It's not like you do anything helpful for me! You tried to make me kill myself, and you speak about Basil like he's more of a monster than you!? I'm tired of you trying to convince me that it's a lost cause! I don't care! I'm gonna continue, and I will be there for Basil this time, whether you like it or not, you monster!"

Omori looked down and seemingly appeared to be tearing up. Omori backed away from Sunny.

Omori said, "If you want me gone, then I'll let you be."

Omori starts to cry and snaps his fingers. Sunny wakes up and notices they're at his old house.

Amil said, "Here we are. Atifa's house."

Always In My Dreams (SunnyXBasil Story)Where stories live. Discover now