A Good Night's Rest

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Sunny, Kel, and Amil started heading home. Sunny and Amil made it to their house.

Kel said, "Alright. Guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

Amil said, "Yeah. I guess so. And... sorry about running into you."

Kel said, "It's okay. I didn't get hurt."

Sunny said, "See you tomorrow."

Kel said, "Alright. See yah."

Kel ran over to his house while waving goodbye. Amil opened the door for Sunny. Sunny walked into the house.

Sunny said, "Uhm. Thanks."

Amil said, "You're welcome."

Sunny took in the feeling of being back at his old house.

Sunny said, "It's been so long since I've last been here."

Atifa walked into the room and waved to greet them.

Atifa said, "Welcome to my house. It's nice seeing you again, Amil."

Amil said, "Yeah. It looks very nice."

Amil noticed the stain on the rug.

Amil said, "What's with the stain on the rug?"

Atifa said, "Oh. The rug came along with the house. It belonged to the original owners before they moved."

Sunny said, "The rug's still here?"

Atifa looked at Sunny. Clearly confused about how he knew about the rug.

Atifa said, "Did you live in this neighborhood before?"

Sunny said, "Yeah. This was my home."

Atifa said, "Oh. Really?"

Sunny said, "Yeah."

Atifa said, "Then why did you move?"

Sunny said, "Well, I don't want to talk about it."

Atifa said, "Hmm. I don't know if you know this, but I keep seeing ghosts in the middle of the night.

Sunny said, "Ghosts?"

Atifa said, "Yeah. I keep seeing them in five places. The first one is in the bathroom, where sometimes when I look in the mirror, I see a girl behind me with her hand covering her face. Kind of reminds me of The Ring. The second one is at the door. Sometimes, at night, someone knocks at the door and asks for his brother to let her in cause she forgot her keys. The third is outside, and I see a shadow of someone being hanged. And the fourth is sometimes when I head downstairs to get a snack and go back to bed, I hear someone arguing about throwing something down the stairs, and then later I see an apparition of someone falling down the stairs. Usually disappears as soon as they fall in front of me most of the time. But sometimes the apparition doesn't disappear until I look away. And the fifth one, I see her in the room with the piano. Playing a tune. It actually feels wholesome when I hear it. However, when someone walks into the room, she disappears as well as the music."

Sunny looked down and clenched his forehead in guilt. He started thinking of the idea of seeing the nightmarish  hellish version of his own sister. He can't handle that again. He could still hear Mari's screams as she fell down the stairs.

Sunny said, "Maybe coming back here was a mistake."

Amil said, "Oh, come on. You just got here. Just because a place is haunted doesn't mean that it'll ruin your life."

Sunny looked at Amil with paranoia. Seeing the thing that he did to Mari was not what he wanted to see.

Sunny said, "I don't wanna face those moments again."

Atifa said, "Yeah. I understand. Especially when I sometimes try to fall asleep, I see the girl standing at the side of my bed."

Amil said, "Wait. Like the guy in a black spy suit and a blue mask?"

Atifa said, "No. Cause I don't have a missing kidney."

Atifa looked back at Sunny.

Atifa said, "We all get afraid every now and again. But it didn't stop me from staying here. Life can be scary, but that's okay. We can face through it."

Sunny said, "I've been through a lot in my life."

Atifa said, "Who hasn't? Life can be painful and scary, but once you take that one step further, you'll be able to live your life. And you're not gonna be alone in this house. You have us."

Sunny sighed, "Alright."

Amil walked to the stairs and looked back at Atifa and Sunny.

Amil said, "Well, are you gonna give us a tour?"

Atifa said, "Alright. Cool your jets."

Atifa and Sunny walked over to Amil, and Atifa started the tour of the house.

Midnight - 11:00 pm

Sunny laid on the couch with his blankets covering him from the cold. Despite the blanket protecting his body from the cold, he still felt a chill up his spine. He got up and decided to head to the bathroom. He walked up the stairs. His heart throbbed in his chest. He looked back and saw Mari's dead body at the bottom of the stairs. He panicked and ran into the bathroom door. He looked in the mirror and saw something behind him. He felt like he was going to die at that very moment from stress. she walked over to him, and Sunny braced for the scare that'd happened last time, but then she hugged him. She started crying, and tears of blood fell down her lifeless cheeks.

Mari said, "I missed you."

Sunny felt tears trickling down his face as well. He hugged Mari back.

Sunny sobbed, "I'm so sorry."

Mari said, "Even after what you did, you're still my little brother."

Sunny cried uncontrollably in Mari's arms. It took a while for Sunny to empty his eyes, but after he did, he felt a bit calmer and happier. But then the bathroom door opened, and Amil came in. He noticed Sunny and waved.

Amil said, "Oh, Sunny. I didn't know you were using the bathroom. Uhm. Why are you staring at a wall?"

Sunny looked at where Mari was, and she was gone.

Sunny said, "She was right here."

Amil said, "Who?"

Sunny said, "Mari. My sister. She always made me happy. Although she tried being perfect. That was probably one thing I didn't like. She never hurt me, but she usually talked down to me when I made a mistake."

Amil said, "Then what happened to her?"

Sunny was confused about whether to tell him the truth or just lie to him.

Sunny said, "Maybe, I should tell you later. When it isn't close to midnight."

Amil said, "Yeah. You're right. Then, I'll see you in the morning. Right?"

Sunny said, "Yeah. See you tomorrow."

Sunny walked out of the bathroom.
Amil said, "Goodnight."

Sunny walked out of the bathroom. Leaving Amil alone in the room. Amil took out his phone and opened a dating app. Amil swipes through the boys in the list. But none have caught his eye. Amil sighed in defeat and looked up at the ceiling.

Amil said, "I know I have a friend now. But I wish I couldn't feel lonely all the time."

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