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Am sorry amara.
Your past don't have power to push me away, only you can do that and you did
I didn't know what to do he rasped, I was scared if you find out about the kiss you might leave. Cause your first response when I screwed up is to run away. You do it every time and I can't stand feeling like any moment I'm going to do or say something wrong and you 're going to run.
I didn't argue with him. How could I, when he was right?
I had hoped you 'd come back on your own ,he murmured. I can't stay away any more.l'll carry you out of here if I have to. What ever it takes to get you back in the same room with me. Talking this out.
My heart stuttered. You were hoping I'd come come back? You didn't call me . I thought we were over.
We 'll never be over , amara .
On my tiptoes, I kissed his cheek.
I'll do whatever you want , whatever you need. Anything. Just take me back.
I'm afraid I will lose you amara.
He pressed his lips on to mine, we completed each other , even now as his hands roamed possessively over me. The desperate need to be held by the man who understands and satisfied my deepest, most intimate desires.
I need you, his mouth sliding over my lips. I need to be inside you.
No. My God. Not here. My protest was weak . I wanted him anywhere anytime, any way.
Let go ,  he pulled me into the powder room, dropping on his knees. It has to be now.
He pulled the lace of my panties away; pushed my dress up, and licked my cleft, his tongue parting my folds to stroke over my clit.
I gasped and tried to recoil, but there was nowhere to go. Not with a grimly Nathan in front, one of my leg on his shoulder, opening me to his ardent mouth.
My head thudded against the glass, heat pulsing through my blood from the point his tongue was driving me mad. My leg flexed against his back, urging him closer, my hand on his hair  to hold him still as I rocked into him.
We were in my boss house, in the midst of a party attended by dozen of people and he was on his knees, growling his hunger as he licked and suck my slick. He knew just how to get to me, knew what I liked and needed . He understands my nature that went above and beyond his incredible oral skills.  The combination was addicting.
My body shook, my eyes heavy from illicit pleasure. Nathan .... You will make me come so hard.
His tongue rubbed over and over , teasing me, making me grind shamelessly into his working tongue.
There was reverence in the way he enjoyed me, the unmistakable sense that he worshipped my body, that pleasuring it and taking pleasure from it was as vital to him.
Yes , yes... I murmured , feeling the orgasm building. I'm so close.
A movement on the far side of the room caught my eye and I froze, my gaze locking with malik 's, he stood just outside the door staring wide eyed and open mouthed at the back of Nathan moving head.
Nathan was oblivious to care, his lips circled my clit and his cheeks hollowed. Sucking rhythmically,. Everything tightened viciously, then released in a fiery burst of pleasure.
I cried out, pumping my hips mindlessly into his mouth. Tonguing my quivering flesh until the last tremor faded.
When I opened my eyes again, our audience of one had fled.
Standing in a rush, Nathan pick me up and gold me over as he ripped his button fly and pulled his penis out. I whimpered as he shoved into me, yanking my hips to meet his powerful thrusts, his gaze dark and possessive, his breath leaving him in primitive grunts every time he hit the end of me.
A trembling moan left me, the friction of his drives stirring my never sated need to be fucked senseless by him.
A handful of strokes and his head fell back as he gasped my name, his hips rolling as he thrust into a frenzy.
Rolling my hips shamelessly to his thrust, yeah babe... Just like that.
His cock jerked inside me one twice and then he was coming long and hard, spurting hotly into me. I didn't have time to climax again, but it didn't matter.i watched him through the glass with awe and pure female triumph.  In the moment of orgasm , I owned him completely as he owned me .
God, I can't go days without this. Even the hours at work are too long. When you 're not with me, I feel. Don't run anymore amara. I can't take it.
I fixed myself up, I missed you too.
Come home with me now.
I can't leave.
I will drag you out of here. If I have too, what ever you hope to get out of this party, I can make it happen .
I wipe myself, I was surprised how copiously he'd come. Few audacious droplets fell to the tile floor between my spread legs.
Oh , shit. He groaned. That's so damn hot. I'm getting hard again .
I stared at the brazen display of his virility and felt warm. You can't go again after that.
I'm an animal with you, he murmured. I want to mark you. I want to posses you so completely there's no separation between us

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