Chapter //////////////////////////////////

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It frightened me to death that it been two days and amara has still not wake up.  I couldn't stand the thought that she might never wake up .I was unsettled by the thought, but I was still hoping she will wake up.
Chris came with a coffee for me, I blew on the surface of my coffee, then took a quick sip.
Bro, you have not left her side , you need to go home and have a shower. I will watch her.
I felt a sharp pain in my belly, no I can't leave alone , what if I leave and the worse happened.
You can't think like that Nathan, we both know that not healthy. She will wake up. We need to be strong for her
Even as I acknowledge his attempt to be positive.
I realized he was just trying to be brave . It fine . Am good with the clothes I have here.
No, Nathan. You need to get things in order by the time she wakes up.
Am doing that through my phone but am not leaving her sight .
Can I let you in on a secret , she always tell me how much she loves me but not once have I told her how much I love her.
Why didn't you not tell her?
I love her madly,  obsessively, I will give up the world for her. I was worried if she knows she might end up acting out .
You think she's going to cut and run, I think you're wrong. She looks at you like you 're the only person in the room.
She's got a few demons of her own Chris .
And you don't.  She let you in. No one's is with out a flaw .   Nathan, I love you madly bro but common on ,
She's is the one that should be worried here about you
Did she tell you that?
No, she doesn't have too. It just me talking.
Oh, sipping my coffee, I absorbed everything he'd said. I grinned. I love you too bro. I reached over and hugged him. Thank you.
For what? He shrugged off my gratitude . She's my best friend at all.
How many best friend do you have?
One and she is lying down there, do you have any ", he pointed out. Shifting the focus to me.
I do, you moron. I smiled.
Now you're talking.
I grinned, feeling better than I was before .
I got to get back to work , just keep me updated if anything changes .
I will, thanks bro.

I'd just gotten back to the chair when I checked my phone. The whole story about amara getting shot is all over the tabloids. I could careless about what they say. All I needed is for her to wake up. Not long than fifteen minutes nana came with my driver with a priest to pray for amara.
Nana, you should be home resting like the doctor said.
It's okay Nathan," nana assured me.
Good afternoon father.
Hello my son.  I heard what happened from nana, the devil is liar.
Let pray . The father said a prayer and anointed amara. It's well . 
I was grateful for father coming over.
Thank you.
Son, don't panic nor fear, your wife will live . It not yet her time. Put all your faith in God and trust he will perform his miracle.
Nana ; can you excuse me , I need to have a word with father.
Talk to me my son.
Forgive me father, cause I have sin, it been twelve years since my last confession.
I hated God for what happened to my parents, them leaving so soon, I  turned to alcohol, fornicated. Blame God and the world. Then I found amara, who lost everything but still keep going and never got angry at God.
Father, tell me why this has to happened to her? She didn't deserve this.
Son, the plan God has for her is different and everything happens because God wants it too. Don't question God.
Father , if amara wake's up, I will start coming to church and I will pay my title and offerings.
If she died , I will burn down every thing , I will use every thing I have to kill the person who did this to her, cause not only are they taking amara from me, they're taking the chance of me been a father.
Son, don't harbor any unholy thought , this are the words of the devil, clear your mind from this thought and fill it with  hopes.
Thank you father, I feel better talking to you.
Glad I could be of help to you my son.
With nana and the father gone , it was just me and amara. Not long sleep took over me.
I woke the way I'd fallen asleep, my head besides amara hand . I checked my phone it was almost eight o'clock.
One of the nurses walks in and check on amara. She flashes me smile. Mr black , can I get you anything?
No , am fine . Just ordered a food on my phone . Thank you.
No problem.
I felt amara hand on my hands. Oh my God.
Do you see that, she just blink, tell me am not hallucinating.
She turned around and check the monitor .I will be right back.
Not long she came back with the doctor.
I stood up and my hand holding amara hand. Am here angel. I whispered to her ear, squeeze my hand again if you could hear me . And she did again. Her eyes blinks non stop, her mouth twitch.
Please Mr black step aside. The nurse took me outside .
I brush my hands on my hair, pacing up and down.
Mr black, the nurse called
I entered the room, there she was, eyes wondered around the room, confused, suddenly it like she remembers some things. She yelled out. The baby!
I ran towards her, am here angel. I wrapped my hands around her. I felt so thrilled . Thank you for coming back to me.

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