Chapter 10: First Christmas Part 1 ( Short )

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It was a day before Christmas eve, Mera was sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall with Rowan, Merula, and the other Slytherins, and she was reading her Phoenix Heart book, when a Great Horned Owl with a letter flew in and was heading towards the Slytherin table.

Rowan: Who's Owl is that?

Mera: ( blankly and knowingly, to Merula, who was sitting next to her: ) Warning, Strix is a bit of a jerk, and is going to land on you.

Merula: ( confused: ) What?

The Great Horned Owl then gently lands on Merula's head and gives Mera the letter.

Merula: Ah! ( To the Owl: ) Get off!

The owl got off of Merula's head and it glared at Merula, as Mera opens the letter before she rolled her eyes at what the letter said.

Rowan: Who's it from, Mera?

Mera: ( blankly: ) It's just a letter from my Mother and Father, informing me that they're too busy at work for Christmas this year, like every year. Strix, stop glaring at Merula and return to my parents.

The Great Horned Owl, known as Strix, then took off, Mera then went back to reading her book.

Rowan: What do you mean " like every year "? Don't you and your family celebrate Christmas together?

Mera: ( honestly and blankly: ) Not really, Mother and Father are always busy with work on Christmas every year, and since my brother's disappearance, I don't see the point anymore. It's not like there's anything special about it-

Rowan: ( is shocked ) What? What about presents or having fun in the snow?

Mera: ( is confused ) Presents? Having fun in the snow?

Rowan: ( is more shocked ) You don't even get presents on Christmas? Or ever made a snowman or had a snowball fight?

Mera: ( blankly: ) No, usually my parents just get me and my brother new books. And I don't think it's possible to make a man out of snow... Also isn't fighting not allowed on school grounds? Doesn't matter, I'll be fine without it. I'm going to go check on Winter-Star before class starts, see you both later.

Mera then grabbed her book and left.

Rowan: It must be very sad and lonely to be spending Christmas alone every year... Poor Mery.

Merula: Mery?

Rowan: Yeah, that's my nickname for Mera.

Merula: I'm sure, Mera will be fine... She'll probably be happy that she'll get to stay in Hogwarts and study in silence.

Rowan: Uhm... Maybe we should do something for her, since we're also going to be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas this year.

Merula mentally scoffed when Rowan reminded her that she was staying at Hogwarts for Christmas, but for some reason that was unknown to her, she couldn't help but to agree with Rowan on the idea of doing something for Christmas with Mera.


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

Do you think Rowan and Merula should do something for Christmas at Hogwarts for Mera, if so what do you think they will do?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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