Chapter 12: The End of The First Year ( Short )

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Mera, Rowan, and Merula were gathered into the Great Hall with the other students, and were sitting at the Slytherin table, Slytherin banners were hung up above them. Mera had Winter-Star hidden in her gray hoodie, and Mera was wearing both the friendship bracelet Rowan gave her and the Slytherin choker Merula gave her.

Mera: ( sarcastically: ) Oh, I wonder who won the cup this year... It's not like there's literally Slytherin banners above us.

Professor Dumbledore: ( to the students: ) Another year at Hogwarts has come to an end! I hope you all have learned much this year because I certainly feel like I have learned from you. But enough of my blathering. There is a feast to enjoy, and a House Cup to reward... In fourth place, Ravenclaw, with 238 points... In third, Hufflepuff, with 245... In second, Gryffindor, with 246... And with 340, Slytherin!

All of the Slytherin table, except Mera she'd clapped, cheered.

Professor Dumbledore: Congratulations, Slytherin! This year's winners of the House Cup!

Rowan: ( to Mera and Merula: ) We did it, girls! We won the House Cup!

Merula: All thanks to me- ( gets nudged in the arm by Mera )- us, I meant us.

Professor Dumbledore: Now, please enjoy your feast, enjoy your summer holidays!

Rowan: ( to Mera: ) What are you going to do this summer?

Mera: Probably reading and do some extra studying. As well, as I'm going to get a few things for Winter-Star.

Merula: Unfortunately, I might actually miss you two.

Rowan: ( confused ) Unfortunately?

Mera: Don't worry, Rowan. Merula just doesn't want to admit that she actually likes being around us. Though, I am also going to miss you two and Ben, when I first arrived at Hogwarts, I never thought I would make any friends, I mostly planned on keeping my head low, and try to not be like my arrogant brother, so everything that happened this year was completely unexpected for me.

Rowan: Aw, Mera. ( Tries to hug Mera )

Mera: ( gently pushed Rowan's hug away ) Yeah, no. Not a hugger.

( Slight time skip, when Mera gets home, in her room )

Mera was now inside her bedroom reading, with Winter-Star on her lap and Strix sitting on her drawer. Mera's bedroom had a large bookshelf filled with different kinds of books. Mera gently pet Winter-Star's head with a soft smile.


That's it for this chapter and of Mera's first year at Hogwarts, I hope you like it

What do you think will happen in Mera's second year at Hogwarts?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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