Part 2*

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"I have to find him, I have to find him." I muttered to myself while walking up and down.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked.


"You said you have to find him. Do you mean Baelfire?"

"Wendy, I'm the friend he wanted to get. This past year I thought he left me. I didn't let people in because it hurt so much, I felt like I couldn't trust anyone."

She didn't make a noise for a few minutes until she said:

"You can't just follow him."

"Why not?I heard the stories about Peter Pan. I know he isn't kind and nice or anything else, despite the stories about him in this world."

"This world? Are you from the Enchanted Forest, too? Bae told me about it."

"Yes. Wendy, I must help him. Please let me borrow one of your brothers."

"NO!" She yelled, knowing what my plan was.

"Pleeeaaasssee, just one time!" I made my puppy dog eyes, they worked all the time. Wendy sighed, shaking her head.

"Okay but only one time" See?

"Thank you" I grinned.

—————At Night—————

"So Michael, you just have to say 'I believe' and stand in front of the window." I explained to Michael, Wendy's brother.

"O-Okay" I warmly smiled at him to make him comfortable.

"Now, Michael."

"I believe!" He shouted.



"No, you said one time." Suddenly all the lights went out and the shadow appeared. It held its' hand out for Michael but instead I grabbed it. It flew out the window and the next thing I knew, I was flying above London. Normally I would have been shitting my pants because of the height but the view was so gorgeous .

After what felt like hours the shadow let go of my hand and I landed on smooth sand. I looked around. I was on a shore, a forest surrounding it.

"Hello?! Is there someone?!"

No response. I tried again but no one was there. I decided to rest on a log. I waited and waited...watching the beautiful sea and the sun-,

"Are you lost?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned around to see a handsome looking boy a few years older than me, maybe 2 years.

"Who are you?"

"Oh did I forget to introduce myself?" He licked his lips.

"I'm Peter, Peter Pan. King of Neverland or-," I cut him off with a stick-I found on the beach- at his throat.

"You've got fire. I like fire" He said calmly with a smirk on his face. He smirked!!

"Maybe this is a stick but I can still hurt you easily."

"Hm either you heard of me or you are just feisty." He responded, still grinning. How was he so calm!? I had a damn stick at his throat. Well, it doesn't sound so dangerous when I think about it.

"Both." I finally said.

"So, I don't want to be your enemy, though I don't want to be your friend either but you are giving me Bae. Now." I demanded.

"Oh you're Baelfire's friend. Well, then I have no choice."

"What-," Before I could finish, something hit me from behind and everything went black.


My eyes shot open.

"Ouch." I touched my head. It hurt alot. Who knocked me out?!


"Leave me alone" I mumbled. He was the last person I wanted to see.

"Tsk. Aren't we in a good mood today?"

"Today? I was unconcious for a whole day?!"

"Yes, you were. Nice to finally speak with you." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, really funny. I think we talked before."

"Maybe" Suddenly he grinned.

"Stop it!" I yelled at him.

"Stop what?" He asked innocently. As if he was innocent, pft!

"That grin or smirk whatever you want to call it."

"I almost forgot, tell me where Baelfire is."

"ROSE?!" A surprised voice called. I turned around and found Bae.

"Bae!" We ran to each other. After embracing, I said:

"B-Bae I-I thought you left me but then Wendy found me and-and I missed you" I didn't notice I had begun crying 'till I felt a hot tear on my cheek.

"Rose shhh, it's okay. We're together now. Okay?" He said soothingly.

"Y-Yes.I just feel bad because after you left I was evil, not that evil more like leave me alone and etc. etc. etc."

"Ahem." Pan cleared his voice.

"So, now that you two are reunited again, I must inform you that girls aren't allowed on Neverland."

"Peter, please let her stay. She is my friend." Bae pleaded. A devilish smirk passed trough his face and I knew that something bad was going to happen.

"Well, we don't have any place for her to sleep" Oh No.

"She can sleep in my tent." Bael said.

"You're tent isn't big enough. I'm afraid she must sleep in my tent." Pan is going to regret that. Two can play at that game.


"What?" He was surprised, I could tell.

"I said okay, wasn't it clear enough?"

"S-Sure" oH My G0d ! He stuttered!!!

"You aren't like the stories, you know. They talk about an evil boy who is always calm and things like that. They don't mention something about stuttering." I was amused now. Bae's expression said so, too. Pan's face was red of anger. That was what I was waiting for.

"My tent is there." He pointed at his tent. I got in and he followed me.

"Goodnight, Pancake" I pulled the covers over me and the last thing I heard was Pan saying:

"Did you just call me Pancake?!"

Isn't It Love || Peter Pan/Baelfire *Editing stopped*Where stories live. Discover now