Chapter 5*

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Rose's P.O.V.

"...If you loose you must kiss me,on the lips" He smirked mischievously. I was going to win. I needed to.

"Deal" I finally said.

"So you agree?" He asked. Rolling my eyes I answered

"Wasn't it clear?" Now was his turn to roll his eyes. Only now I noticed the lost boys surrounding us cheering.

"Then. Shall we start" Peter shouted lifting one hand in the air. The boys cheered louder.

"Wait I haven't a sword" suddenly he appeared behind me. He took my hands in his from behind and moved them together like I was holding something. A sword.

"Believe it" he whispered in my ear. I could feel his hot breath against my neck,making shivers down my spine.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Close your eyes" he ordered. I closed my eyes.

"Now imagine you holding a sword in your hands" I did what he told. First nothing happened. I tried stronger. I imagined a sword in my hands. I imagined the length of it. Imagined how it looked like and how it felt. Then I felt something in my hands.

"Open your eyes" Peter said quietly so only I could hear it. I opened my eyes and gasped. I was holding a middle long sword,in the handle was a red ruby and the iron was pour silver. It was beautiful. When I was in the enchanted forest I practised sometimes obvious secretly. Peter let go of me and shouted

"Now let's begin"

"But who I am fighting against?"


"What?!" I was shocked Pete-,..Pan!!! said I must fight against a lost boy!

"You said a lost boy"

"I'm a lost boy" I was speechless. If he wanted to play unfair,then he should play so. Two can do the same.

"Okay....Go!" I suddenly shouted charging at him with my sword. First he was surprised but he contained himself quickly,blocking my move. I took a step forward moving my sword. He blocked. I moved forward. He blocked. That went on till his back was against a tree and I quickly hold my sword against his throat.

"Won,Pancake" I stated,grinning like an idiot. He smirked.

"Gotta say i'm not dissapointed but...Peter Pan never fails."

"Wai-," I was cut off by Peter kicking me in the stomach,removing my sword from his throat. He threw me on the ground,pulling my hands above my head and holding them there. He got on top of me still holding me on the ground. I struggled trying to pry him off of me,but he was too strong. Damn his muscles!.

"Gave up yet?" I groaned.

"No need to provoke me. You've won"

He smiled. Smiled. A real smile not those evil smirks or grins. This smile could have make every girl melt. It was so innocent and sweet. Maybe he wasn't that bad just...misunderstood. It felt like too short when the smile vanished and he helped me up.

"So..." he begun.

"Yeah yeah I know what you mean" I wanted to lean in when I noticed the lost boys still gathered around us. I forgot them already.

"Aham" I cleared my voice looking around trying to make Peter clear what I meant. He looked around confused at first then his expression softend.

"Boys! Go away and do something.!" He shouted but...nicely?. All the boys went away back to the campfire or somewhere else. I glanced at Peter. I only knew him for a few days but something drew me to him.

"I-I" I stuttered nervous. He seemed to think about something.

"Is it your first kiss?" He asked. My eyes widened. How does he seem to know everything?

"Y-yes" that was so embarrassing. Why did he do that? The next thing that happened surprised me. Peter comforted me. He hugged me and as he let go we were in some glade with candles. It was beautiful with wonderful glowers on the ground and the moonlight shining along the bright stars in the sky. It was so romantic! I didn't even noticed that it was night. Due to the wonderful view I almost forgot Peter standing only inches away from me. I leaned in and he too. Soon our lips met and I felt like fireworks were going to explode in my stomach. My arms wrapped around his neck and his around my waist. His lips were so soft and warm. I would have melted away if he hadn't pulled away,though he only pulled away just enough to stare me in the eyes. We stayed like this for a while he looking in my brown and I in his green orbs. He took a strand of my brown wavy hair beetween his fingers and played with it.

"You are beautiful" I couldn't help but smile he was so sweet.

"Thank you. I think you're cute too."

"Only cute?" He pouted. I giggled making him smile. In that moment I realised I loved Peter Pan.

Peter teleported us back to camp and immadiately put his stone face on. Like he hadn't any emotions. I knew better. He could sometimes be cruel and annoying but deep in there ♥ he was a missunderstood little boy with too much pressure that a child couldn't drag. I walked around just out of pour boring when Bae went to me.

"Rose we must talk" he said coldly.

"Uuhhmm suree" I agreed uneasy. He dragged me to the board beetween camp and forest.

"Listen when I tell you that you must promise you will not lose a word about it okay?" Okay what was going on?

"I promise"

"I want to go back home. Pan isn't who he act to be,he is evil. I made a plan so we can escape and hide on Neverland till we can get out of here. Maybe the Pirates can help a little too. And-," I cut him off.

"You want to go home?"


"Bae,what is with your father?"

"I don't care what is with him. We can stay at Wendy's." By the mention of his father he made a disgusted face. I sighed. I must tell him.

"Bae I'm sorry but I can't go with you. I can help you get out of here and similar things. But I can't go with you. I want to stay." He was sad now. I saw it clearly in his face.

"Why?" Was all he could bring out.

"I m-may lovePeterPan" The last part was very fast and quite a whisper. Baelfire heard me nonetheless. His expression showed two emotions: anger and hurt.Had he really feelings for me? But how?

"Baelfire?" I asked,carefully stepping one step forward. I laid my right arm on his shoulder trying to comfort him.

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay Rose it's just I Love you."

Isn't It Love || Peter Pan/Baelfire *Editing stopped*Where stories live. Discover now