Part 16

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"Rose,what are you doing here? If Pan catches you-"
"I say I got lost"  I said to Neal. He immadiately shut his mouth close.
"I need to talk to you" I said quietly.
"Really? I thought we are going to throw a party." I rolled my eyes.
"Plan changes" We both bursted out laughing before I clutched my stomach I 'ssshhhed' him.
"So what were you going to talk about with me?" Neal looked at me questionely. As I thought about the things that happened I began to sob. Neal tried to comfort me but I stopped before he could do much.
"B-bae I-I was evil. I couldn't control my body it wasn't a good feeling. Like you would see yourself doing something...but you are watching you from the third person view. It was horrible. And I woke up and was myself again. And the person I love has the other person I love as a prisoner in a cage." I was bubbling just complwtly exhausted from the things that happened. 
"Then the person I love hides something from me. And... and I find out that you have a child-,"
"What?!" My eyes got big.I didn't even realize that I said that until Neal cut my speech off. When did I figure it out?
"How do you know I have a son?" I plopped myself on the ground and grabbed my head with my hands pulling a little bit hair with it.
"I don't know" I truly answered.
"I met Emma. She said Henry is her son and when we talked about you she had shown love in her eyes. She loves you and thinks you're dead. Maybe I knew it since I saw the love tiwards you in her eyes."
"...." We were still,but it wasn't an awkard silence. No it was an enjoyable silence.
"... sorry Neal."
"Do-do you still love Emma?" He fell silent again.
"I think. Yes,but... I have still feelings for you. Technically we aren't that far from our age. You're even older than me. I mean you were on this island and you didn't age." We both fell silent. In some point I cleared my voice and said my goodbyes. As I went back to the camp Pan was standing there and seemed to wait for something.I quickly hid behind a bush.He tapped his foot on the ground obviousily eagerly.Then he sighed.

"Just come out Rose" I wasn't surprised,I was getting used to it.My feet made their way to him and he had a pokerface on.


"Where were you"

"Nowhere" He raised his eybrow.

"Oh really? It's quite lonely in a cage don't you think?" He knew.He took a step forward and I took a step backwards.


"Yes love?"

"What are you doing?" He stopped and I was pressed against a tree,his arms caging me in beetween them.

"testing something" We were only inches away now and he was looking down at my lips.I got nervous and ducked as he leaned in closer.

"Rose!" I ran.

My feets ached my shoulder hurt.I slid down a tree and placed my head beetween my legs.I ran away for hours now.Pan didn't even follow me.I just wanted to get away from there. He would've proprably locked me up in a cage again.In the evening it began to rain.The clouds were dark and the sun was nowere to be seen.It rained more and more from time to time.Somewhere in that time it got stronger and I only saw a wall made of rain.I looked for a tree and finally find one that's leaves were big enough to hold me dry.I fell asleep in the dirt on the ground with no covers.

"Wake up! Rose come we need to go!" My eyes shot open to see Emma,Neal,Hook,David,Snow and Regina.

"Wh-what?" It was still evening and Everyone had a troubled expressioin on their face.

"H-ow long did I sleep?" I asked while yawning.

"Uhm..We found you tis morning but decided to let you rest." I thought before gasping.

"Wait I was sleeping a whole day?!" They looked at each other.

"Yeah..." Emma said.The Regina stepped out and snapped at me:

"We don't have time for this.Pan has Henry.They are at Skull Rock.If we don't hurry Henry is going to be dead.I was now fullly awake and jumped on my feet.

"Well what are we waiting for?"

"Rose?" I turned around.

"Tinkerbell?" Tinkerbell ran to me and embrace me I hugged back tears nearly in my eyes because I missed her so much.I suppose she was feeling the same,because she said

"I missed you" Her voice was shaky.

"I missed you,too" We heard gasps and pulled apart.

"You know each other?" Snow asked but cautiously to not hit a point.Tinkerbell and I looked at each other and made a small smile out.

"Yes" We said in unsion.

"How did you meet?" Regina groaned she really wanted to go to Henry.And I too.

"Long story short.We both livedon this Island and were friends."

Flashback  plays in the time where Baelfire fell in the portal and Rose stays on the island with Peter.

I was taking a stroll in search of fruits.The food the Lost Boy wasn't really tasty.I mean Dead animals aren't really my things.The soup was the only thing that tasted good.When I saw a apple tree I immadiately made my way to it.It was on the edge of an opening and in the middle was a tree and on that tree a treehouse.

"Hello?!"I shouted/asked

"Is there someone?!" A  figure with a messy bun and a basket climbed up the ladder.It ws a she.She turned around and stared at me.She rubbed her eyes in disbelieve.

"You're a girl." She then stated.I looked down at me and checked me out.

"Yes.I think I am." She laughed and I soon joined her.

"What are you doing here? Not to be rude.It's a long time since I saw another girl." I chuckled.

"Must be lonely.Let me intrudouce myself first.It is a long time since I saw another girl,too.I'm Rosalie,but call me Rose"

"I'm Tinkerbell" We smiled and shook hands.I explained to her why I was there and she toldto me her story.

Tink and I got really close and were best friends.Everytime Pan allowed me to,I went to visit her at her treehouse.But at one day everything fell apart.

"Rose!" Pan yelled.I was at Tink's treehouse and we sat on the ground crossed-leg.My head turned in the direction of his voice.

"Yes?" He stormed on the opening towards me and Tink.He was very angry and gripped me tightly.

"What are you doing with that?" He spat at Tink she looked angry and clenched her fist but didn't dare to make a move.

"Peter! That isn't nice."

"Whatever." With that he teleported us back to the camp.I ripped myself away from him and shouted at him why he was doing such a thing.

"Where you everytime with her when you where away?" He asked but now softier.Good decision.

"Yes" Pancake sighed .

"Rose I don't want you to be around her.Got it? Please."

"But why?"

"Just do it.Please." I hestitated but agreed. Since that day I hadn't seen her.

Flashback end.

Isn't It Love || Peter Pan/Baelfire *Editing stopped*Where stories live. Discover now