Part 14

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(Picture is Rose just wanted to say)

The door opened and Pan appeared.He shoved a plate with food in the cage.

"Eat" He said.I looked at the food.

"I don't have silverware" I simply responded.

"You don't need it"

"I'm not going to eat with my hands"

"You did before" I rolled my eyes.Yes but I don't want to now.He stared at me and I looked down to see ripped and dirty clothes.As I thought about it I realized that I didn't change my clothes for days maybe even weeks.Eww.

"Peter,can I go out? Please.I'm still a girl I need a bath and new clothes.That's disgusting.Peter sighed obviously convinced but also annoyed from the idea.

"You're right,but-" Right a but.Why can't everything be easier?

"-I am not letting you go alone.You would try to escape" My mouth went open shocked.

"What? Who is going with me then hm? Last time I checked there were only boys."

"Well then I'm afraid I must go with you" I groaned.This boy is going to be my undoing.



"C'mon now.The boys are asleep yet." He held his hand out for me for support.I groaned again and took his hand.At first I fell but Peter caught me.My legs were numb,from sitting on them all time and I still needed to get used to them.

"Go ahead" I said to Pan.He looked at me and then walked away.I glanced up to see Baelfire's cage and felt bad for him.


"Rose?" I smiled weakly.

"Yes...are you okay up there?" Neal was still and replied with a small yes.

"Go.Pan is goingt to be angr if you don't" I nodded-though I wasn't sure if Neal saw it-and went after Peter.He was nowhere in sight and I just decided to walk to the next lake.When I arrived Pan stood at the lake and looked up.Our gazes met and he looked away.

"Took you long enough.I almost thought you ran off"

"I'm here,aren't I?" I was about to pull my shirt off but stopped as soon as I realized Pan was still standing there.He stared at me.I stared back.

"Aham" I cleared my voice.

"Turn around" Peter was surely deep in thought and blinked confused.

"What? Uhm eh sure" He turned around so his back was tanding to me.I again caught the hem of my shirt when Pan quickly turned around.He must contained himself because he said:

"I'm not letting me tell what to do from you." I wrinkled my nose and glared at him.

"So what are you going to do?" He smirked,what still was never a good sign and waved his hand.Green smoke surrounded me and when it dissapeared I wore a black bikini.

"This" He finally said.Then he did somethig that caught me of of guard.He removed his shirt to reveal his abs and smirked at my reaction.I was staring at him with my mouth open.I know I had seen him without shirt before but I wasn't getting used to it.

"Like what you see?" He taunted.I rolled my eyes and replied with a quite

"In your dreams" He chuckled and again waved his hand.Now gree smoke was surrounding him and as it dissapeared he wore a green swim short.Green,how typicall.Peter took small steps towards me.What was he doing? The next moment I was thrown into the lake with Pan laughing at the surface.

"Funny?" this situation was familiar to me but I let it go.

"Yes" Peter said while clutching his stomach.I clasped my hands around his foot ankly and pulled his feets from underneath him.He fell in the water and it was my turn to laugh.He soon surfaced and looked at me with a jokingly glare.

"You cheater" I dramatically gasped.

"I? Cheater? Never!" We laughed and it was beautiful.Peter grabbed me by the waist and pulled me with him under the water.We surfacedagain and I immadiately turned around to face him.He got closer and closer till our noses almost touched.

"Peter" I mumbled

"Hmm?" Before I could say something our lips met and I felt the firework exploding.Like everytime we kissed.Our lips moved in synch and I felt like his lips were made for mine.They fitted perfectly.My hands went through his wet brown hair (yes I think it's brown and not blonde) and I felt his hands moving up and down my back.We kissed another moment and pulled away.

"Rose I still love you" I kept still 'till my next four words.

"I love you too."

It was night I layed in a bed with Pan in his tent.His arms were around my shoulder and my head was laying on his chest.His hand was stroking my hair and played with some strands.I thought about Baelfire and that he was still in his cage while I was free and in some way betraying him.Then I thought about Henry and why Pan did all this.We both were quite presumably both in thoughts.

"Rose" Peter broke the silence.I moved my head and looked at him.


"Please promise me to not run away to stay by my side."


"Just promise me...please" I thought about it but there wasn't much to think about.

"I promise" He smiled and stared at the ceiling again.We just layed there and my eyes got heavy.I streatched my arms out making Peter look at me.

"Goodnight" He chuckled while saying that.

"Goodnight" were my last words before my eyes went close.

"Peter!" I shouted.He was talking to Henryagain.He was spending quite a lot time with him.Henry looked at me as Pan turned to look at me too.

"Hi Henry" I greeted him kindly.I still tought he was cute.

"Hi Rose" He smiled back at me.

"Peter I go for a stroll"

"Great.Bye" He stood up and kissed my cheek quickly then he sat down again.

"Bye!" I made my way into the forest.The island was still a kind of dark but the flowers were there so I could admire them.As I walked beside a ston wall covered in leaves I found a cave hidden underneath the leaves.Awesome! I thought.I tried to move the leaves away but they didn't moved an inch.I was carefull because there were thorns on them.When I touched a climber I cut myself with a thorn.My finger immadiately begun to bleed and I stucked my finger in my mouth.I licked up the blood and pulled my finger away.Suddenly something went through my entire body and I froze.My mood changed from happy to dark.My cut healed itself and a grin appeared on my lips.Plus a glint in my eyes that changed.I didn't know what changed in my eyes but it was sure evil plus the grin.It was one of this grins Pan often had.A devilish laugh escaped my throat.Next thing I knew I was on my way to the camp.

Isn't It Love || Peter Pan/Baelfire *Editing stopped*Where stories live. Discover now