Chapter 3*

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The next day I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist. The grip was too tight, so I wasn't able to move. I couldn't see who the arms belonged to. Then the memories of yesterday flashed through my head. I moved, trying to break free of Pan's arms around me. It has to be Pan. Who else could it be?

"Hmmn Rose, it's still early in the morning. I want to sleep."

"But I don't want to" He still didn't move so I stayed still, waiting for him to let me go.

"I know what you did yesterday." I grinned and put my innocent look on.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh c'mon, I'm not that stupid" My face fell.

"Do you plan on letting me out of your grip soon?"

"Nah I like this position." Which position? His arms wrapped around my waist, him smirking, my back touching his chest???

"Okay what do I have to do to make you let me free?"

"Hmmm" He stroked his invisible beard.

"Let me think...admit what you did yesterday and aplogize." I groaned, throwing my head back only to be stopped by his chest.

"Ok I may tried-,no succeed to annoy you or make you mad." I slowly began to get happier and happier.

"Where's the 'I'm sorry'?"

"Urgh okay I'm sorry...but it was funny seeing you like this" I only whispered the last part but I think he heard because in the next moment his arms were removed from my waist and I was on his shoulder.

"You think that was funny eh? I show you what is really funny" He ran outside with me still on his shoulder. It was quiet so I think the lost boys were still asleep. Pe-Pan went on a walk through the forest. I admired the beauty of the island. On the path were gorgeous flowers, the sky was clear and you could hear the birds chirping happily. I was yanked out of my thoughts by Peter I-I meant Pan throwing me on the ground. I screamed, afraid to hurt myself. Instead I was surrounded by a beautiful meadow. Pan lay next to me, grinning.

"See, that was funny." he said.

"Ha ha yeah, funny." I responded sarcastically. We lay there staring at each others eyes. His eyes were a beautiful green color. I always thought (even though it had only been two days) his eyes were brown. After a while he leaned in and I leaned in, too, our faces only inches apart. He backed away, clearing his throat.

"W-we should go back to camp, the boys are propably already awake and searching for us."

"Yeah sure" I said in a sad voice. Wait sad? Did I have feelings for him? No, I couldn't. We only knew each other for two days!

We arrived back at camp and I immediately searched for Bae. When I found him with some boys, I ran to him.

"Baelfire" I shouted. He turned around and was surprised to see me. Why was he surprised?

"Hi." I said, after I reached him.

"Hi, where were you at breakfast? I almost thought Pan sent you back home." His eyes glinted at the word 'home' but I wasn't sure what it was.

I chuckled sadly.

"Which home? Baelfire, my home is wherever you are. I've only ever had a home since we became best friends. Home is where your beloved ones are. Where you feel comfortable." I finished my speech, looking him in the eyes. His eyes were sad. Was he missing home? I mean, his family. Well, his father to be exact.

"When did you become so wise?" He asked, laughing. I began laughing, too, playfully shoving his shoulder.

"Hey! Do I have to tickle you as a punishment for not being wise but for being funny?!" I warned him. He ran away shouting through the camp:

"Help! Help! An old dragon is chasing me! An old moody dragon wants to eat me. Help!" I laughed, chasing after him. I chased him trough the forest, stopping at a cliff. He stopped. I stopped too late because I bumped into him, making him fall over. We were on the floor the stars shining brightly in the sky above our heads. I fell on top of him our noses almost touching. Almost. Awkard silence fell beetween us. I stand up, helping him. He scratched his neck after running his fingers trough his already fuzzy hair.

"Rose I-I have to tell you something." he began.

"Y-yeah?" I asked, afraid of what he would tell me.

"I-I like you"

"I like you too. You know that."

"N-no I mean not as a friend"

"Then what do you mean?" His expression changed from nervous to sadness.


So I need to know if you would like Rose to be with Bae or with Pan.

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