Bully 😤

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Garam POV
I walked to my locker and started getting out my books when I felt someone's presence behind me, I turned around to be met with a smiling Jay "oh hey Jay" he pat me on the head and mumbled something to himself.

"How'd you get to school today" we started walking together to class "oh I took the bus" he paused and I turned to look at him confused, he held both my shoulders as he looked at me concerned "Garam I can't let you do that, do you know how many perverts there are out there? Someone could easily harm you."

I looked down "sorry Jay I didn't think about it like that" he lifted my chin up as he flashed a calming smile "it doesn't matter from now on I'll come pick you up everyday" I was about to argue back but he shook his head "don't fight it, I always win" he gave a smug look and walked off.

I ran after him and punched his arm playfully "Yah Park Jongsong your such a headache" he chuckled as we entered the classroom. I sat in the seat I did yesterday and Jay sat next to me, Sunghoon and Jungwon sat in front of us and smiled before sitting. I'm pretty sure that's someone else's seat but whatever I just stared out the window and text Sunoo and Hiyyih while waiting for them.

Three idiots=

Me: Yahhhhh where are you two I'm stuck with Jay HHSHEGEGWG

Sassy Oppa: Yassssss gurlie flirt flirt flirtttt

Me: 😑

Crazy banana: gurlllll pls we know ur in ✨LOVE✨

Me: both of u shut up and get ur lazy asses to class

Sassy Oppa: FINEEEE u just keep your man entertained 😏

Me: 🙄

I giggled to myself "what you smiling at?" "Nothing" I didn't look up at Jay as I continued texting Sunoo and Hiyyih about Sunghoon heheh. I heard him scoff as he grabbed my phone out of my hand "ooooh" he smirked and looked at Sunghoon as he read the texts but I stopped him before he saw too much.

"Yah Jay stop, I talked about something private with them" he looked at me with a 'gurl pls' look as I pouted "fine if you don't give it back to me I'll ask Yuri if she wants to swap seats, Yur-" he covered my mouth as his eyes widened "fine but let me do something first" he typed something in and gave it to me.

I checked and he added his number and labelled himself as 'the incredible, most handsome man Park Jay' I rolled my eyes and smiled as I changed it to 'Jay 😘' I smiled at myself proudly as I turned and started taking to Sunghoon and Jungwon.

"So Jungwon how long you been dating Hiyyih unnie? How'd you meet? Tell me everything" He smiled and turned to fully face me as Sunghoon did the same thing "it's been a year now, I had a huge crush in her when she joined this school and with the help of Sunghoon and Jay Hyung I asked her to be my girlfriend and it turned out she returned my feelings."

I smiled at their cuteness "aigoo you two are perfect for each other, I hope I can experience something like that with the man I love one day" Jungwon ruffled up my hair as Sunghoon smirked "oh you will very soon" he teased Jay as I giggled and slightly blushed.

"What about you Sunghoon? Heard your single?" I raised a brow with a teasing smile "oh um yeah I've never been a relationship, I've kinda been waiting on one person for a while" he looked down shy as my smile grew. "I think I know who that special someone is" he looked up immediately "who?" I leaned in close "Kim Sunoo" I pulled back and saw as his cheeks turned bright red "I knew it!" He hid his face in his hands as all three of us teased.

After I was done laughing I spoke again "you really should make a move on him, I'm not gonna expose him since he's my new bsf but I think you should shoot your shot. I'm positive it'll work out" Sunghoon fiddled with his fingers "could you maybe help me get close to him?" I smiled and nodded "of course that's what friends are for" he smiled as I exchanged numbers with him and Jungwon as Hiyyih and Sunoo entered the classroom.

Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now