Fuk 👀

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Jiwoo POV
We got back late from the beach but today was quite an enjoyable day, as we entered the house we were greeted by Jays parents "ah your home" his mother hugged us and then ran to my daughter "and how was your day my little angel" it was cute seeing Mijoo interact with her grandparents and it made my heart feel fuzzy.

I let Mrs and Mr Park put Mijoo to sleep while I walked to the kitchen for some water, I was drinking when I felt a hand on my shoulder making me spin and see Jay "omg Jay you startled me" I held my chest while calming down.

He smiled at me before holding my hands "today was really fun Jiwoo, I really missed this. Us" fuk he said exactly what I felt "yeah I had fun as well but I'm tired I think I'm gonna go to bed" I was about to leave and escape when he pinned me to the counter.

His eyes bore into mine as I gazed in anticipation, he brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear while smiling gently "I can't keep pretending like I don't love you Jiwoo, like every second without you doesn't break me" shit why did I feel the same tho?

I looked down "Jay I can't-" "ik but for one moment can we just forget about everything and just make one silly 'mistake" I looked at him confused but he soon answered me.

He lifted his hand to caress my cheek before leaning in until our lips met, I stayed frozen for a moment as his lips moved on mine but not a second later I cooperated the kiss. And those lips. The lips I missed.

My lips moved against his as my hands gripped his shirt his trialing down and holding my nape, his tongue glided over my bottom lip and that's when reality hit IM GETTING MARRIED TO HIS BROTHER!?!??

I pushed him away stunned "I-I can't" I moved away from him and ran out the kitchen, I rushed to my room which I shared with Jake "hey sweetie" fuk me.

I looked up to see my fiancé "hey Jakey" I put on a fake smile and walked towards him "fun day with Jay?" Fuk DONT ask that, I smiled fakely and nodded "yeah but I'm really tired, imma knock out" he smiled and nodded before pecking my lips, the same lips I just kissed his brother with.

As soon as I walked past him my smile dropped as guilt filled me, I lay on our bed deep in thought. I fuked up. Badly. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to push away all my thoughts, even if I still had feelings for Jay I needed to move on with Jake.


Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now