How it feels? ❤️‍🩹

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Garam POV
It's finally the day I go out with my brothers, I woke up early and had a shower before getting something cute to wear.........

Garam POVIt's finally the day I go out with my brothers, I woke up early and had a shower before getting something cute to wear

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I was putting some light makeup on when I got a text from our family gc.......

Bambi, giraffe and ham fam=

Bambi: get the fuk outside

Me: 👍🙄


Giraffe: calm the fuk down Hyung

Me: thank yew see this is why Ni ki is my fav brother 😘

Giraffe: 🙃

Bambi: 🖕

I giggled before getting my purse and saying bai to Jay before leaving, I jumped in the backseat "took ya long enough" I rolled my eyes and slapped Heeseungs head from the back "shut up and drive" he mimicked me but drove anyways.

"So where we goin?" Both my brothers shared a mischievous look as Ni ki said "surprise" I groaned as I sat back "I fukin hate you two" they smiled teasingly as Heeseung parked up.

I got out the car and looked around to see and amusement park "ack no" I tried to get back in the car but Heeseung ignored my struggle and dragged me to the gate "I don't wanna go in~" I pouted at Ni ki hopping for some mercy but he just laughed "no" I stuck my tongue out and gave in, time for hell yay 😐.

Heeseungs started paying for our tickets while I talked to Ni ki "how old are you?" He smirked "guess" I put my thinking hat on and guessed 😭😭.

"19?" He shook his head and smiled "18" I did an 'o' with my mouth "ah so your only a year older than me unlike Heeseung the old man who's frickin 4 years older" he laughed as he nodded "he's soooooo old isn't he?" We both laughed as he Heeseung walked over to us "what?" We shared a cheeky smile and shook our heads.

We entered the amusement park and all I could hear were screams "okay let's go home" Heeseung grabbed my arm and both him and Ni ki blocked my way out making me huff "fuk you both" Heeseung glared at me "stop swearing" I rolled my eyes and walked over to the first ride.

"Bumper cars!!" I ran over and the other two followed slowly "three cars please" they lady looked at our tickets before showing us to three cars "I'm gonna fuk all of you up" Heeseung facepalmed "why do I even try" I smirked as Ni ki pushed my head away "your goin down tiny" I put up my middle finger and sat in the car.

The game started and god did I regret it, both my idiot brothers attacked me from both sides making me sway side to side uncontrollably "aish" they both laughed at my struggle but eventually I escaped but the stoopids kept chasing me "leave me alone~" obvs my pleads were useless and by the end of the game I was exhausted.

I stumbled out of the car and glared at my laughing brothers "I hate you" they both smiled cheekily "love you too" I rolled my eyes at Ni ki but couldn't help smiling.

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