Fragile 🤕

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I walked into Heeseung Hyungs private office and sat opposite him and Ni ki, Heeseung pulled out a bottle of wine and three glasses "wine?" I shook my head "I still have to drive us home" he smirked "good answer" he poured him and Ni ki a glass as I waited nervously.

"So I know everything about you so don't try lying" his face turned dark as I gulped, how much did he know? "I don't understand what your talking about?" Ni ki scoffed as he ran his hand through his hair pissed "don't fuk with us we know what you do for a job and it's fukin filthy" my body tensed as I kept silent.

Heeseung remained calm while Ni ki looked like he was ready to murder me "I mean how selfish can you be? Okay getting into that shit at such a young age well that's your choice you're 18 it's not my business but bringing a fukin angel into your shit ass life who's already been through soo much fukin crap that's just selfish, she's still a fukin kid!" I felt guilt run through my body.

I could see Ni kis hands ready to punch me but Heeseung held him back "calm down" he listened to his brother "I don't fully know why you chose to live like this but please you have to make a promise to me" I nodded without hesitation.

Him and his brother shared a look before focusing back on me "Jay please promise to protect Garam from your world, she's been through soo much already and is too fragile for anything else and honestly I'd ask you to leave her but I know you'd never, I see the look in your eyes when your with her and she has the exact same look. Your both in love and I can't break that so please just promise me?" I smiled and nodded.

"I promise Hyung to keep her away from all harm and eventually hope to leave that world behind for her" Heeseung Hyung smiled softly as he stood up and pulled me into a bro hug.

He pat my back "I trust you Park, don't fuk it up" I let out a short laugh and nodded "yes Hyung you have all rights to kill me if I hurt her" he smiled as we started to walk out the room and back to Garam.

Heeseung whispered one last thing in my ear "you should get away from that shit soon cuz if she does find out it'll ruin the both of you" he gave me a serious look before walking to the kitchen.

I walked in still thinking of Heeseungs words "hey baby, did he scare you?" I smiled and looked down at my perfect girlfriend as I wrapped my arms around her small body "nah I actually think he may sorta like me, not Ni ki tho he deffo wants to kill me."

She let out a cute chuckle making my heart melt over her cuteness, GOD I GOT LUCKY WITH HER. We walked to the car and were waved off by her brothers while Heeseung gave me a knowing look, let's hope everything works out for us.


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