Apology 😣

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Garam POV
Lesson finished and I started packing my things up "hey Garam" I looked up and smiled at Jae Hyuk "do you maybe want to join us for lunch?" I smiled at them and nodded, making all three of them happy.

I turned to leave the classroom but was stopped when Jay stood in the way, he looked at the other three and rolled his eyes as he grabbed my wrist and led me god knows where "Jay let go" I kept fidgeting "god Garam stop moving" I pulled myself away as I stared at him hurt.

"What the fuk was that Jay" he rolled his eyes and came closer to me "Garam stop causing a scene and come with me" I shook my head and moved my hand when he tried to grab it. People started to watch us but I didn't care, Jay was in the wrong.

"I'm leaving" I turned to leave but he pulled me back, I yanked my hand away "Garam stop hanging out with those nerds, they're boring and weird. They fuckin can't do anything, I swear they're just a bunch of-" before he could continue my hand connected with his face as everyone gasped.

He held his cheek as he looked at me hurt "those 'nerds' your talking about are my friends and they're much better behaved than you are Park Jongsong" I huffed as I walked away dragging the 'nerds' away with me. I felt like breaking something, I really like Jay but I hate people who judge soo quickly.

We made it to the cafeteria and we sat with Sunoo and Hiyyih "hey these are my new friends" I introduced the three to my besties and they gladly accepted them unlike some people. "Rams what happened with you and Jay, after you left them we stopped taking to the boys. Don't worry we're loyal" I chuckled at Sunoo and explained.

"Wow and Jungwon didn't say anything to stop it" I shook my head as Hiyyih became disappointed "it's not that big I'm just gonna wait for their apology especially from Jay" they nodded as we continued eating and chattin about random shit.

I was eating when Jeong woo held my hand to stop me "you have some food on your face let me take it off for you" I smiled embarrassed as he wiped away whatever was on my face but was stopped when someone held his hand and threw it away "don't touch her."

I looked up to see Jay very pissed but I couldn't care less "go away Jay" he looked at me as his eyes softened "can we talk Garam? Alone? Please?" I rolled my eyes but stood up and nodded "fine" he smiled as he dragged me out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom where Sunghoon and Jungwon were also waiting.

He closed the door as I stood with my arms crossed "what do you want" they all looked down "we're sorry Garam" they all spoke synchronised as I waited "I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked bad about those kids without knowing who they are, we just have a reputation here you get me" I smiled at Sunghoon as I nodded.

"Thank you for apologising" Jungwon spoke next "I know I didn't say anything but just by keeping quiet I was still in the wrong so please don't break our friendship when it's just started?" I chuckled as I ruffled up Jungwons hair "I'm not that petty" he smiled as it was finally Jays turn.

This should be good, he walked up to me and held my hands "I'm really sorry Garam, I only thought about myself. I was being really selfish and should have taken in account those boys feelings, please forgive me" I smiled and stroked his cheek "I will accept all your apologies if you also apologise to the boys" they nodded as we were about to leave but Jay held me back.

"We'll join soon" the other two teasingly smiled as I became shy "enjoy you two" they left giggling, Jay shut the door leaving it just as us two "what did you want Jay?" He smirked at me as he walked closer to me making me walk backwards until my back hit the wall.

I looked into his beautiful eyes "Jjay what aare you doing?" He smiled as he brought his thumb and rubbed it on my bottom lip "fuk Garam that slap was soo sexy, you don't understand how badly I wanted to kiss you especially right now" I gulped as he leaned in closer as his eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips.

"Do it" he looked taken aback but soon a smirk made its way to his lips, he slowly approached my lips and as soon as they touched I melted into the kiss. His hand made its way to my nape as mine rested on his built chest, he turned his head slightly to deepen the kiss. At this moment all I wanted him to do was fuk me dead but patience, it'll happen eventually.

VOTE IF YOUR A SUNSUN SHIP (I don't rly do ships only friendship ships ygm but even if they were a couple I'd support my loves)

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