Date 💋

422 19 5

Garam POV
It was finally Saturday, the day of me and Jays date. He text me that he was on way so I started to freshen up and get changed.........

This was my first time wearing the outfit and I LOVED it, it's simple but super adorable

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This was my first time wearing the outfit and I LOVED it, it's simple but super adorable. I waited outside for Jay and after a few minutes he drove up right in front of me in this HELLA expensive car.

"Hello my beautiful girlfriend" he winked at me as I just giggled and got in the car "wow Jay I didn't know you were THIS rich" he chuckled and kissed my hand "only the best for my princess" I rolled my eyes "soo corney" he chuckled as we drove off.

We were driving to wherever our date was "sooo where we goin?" He smiled cheekily "surprise" I gave a 😐 face and held onto his arm "Jay~ I don't like surprises, tell me" he shook his head "aniyo" I pouted my lips and sat back as I heard him laugh.

Soon enough we arrived outside this rly cute cafe, I read the sign 'Parks cat and dog cafe' and my whole mood brightened up "Jayyyyyyyyy thank you soo much, your the best" I hugged him tightly as I heard him let out a low chuckle.

"Anything for my princess" my cheeks flushed red as I punched him "your such a flirt" "only for you" I rolled my eyes and ran ahead "yah!?! Don't leave me" I stuck out my tongue and ran faster.

He caught up with me and caged me between his arms in a hug "you'll never escape me princess" I giggled a we entered the cafe, I looked around as my eyes glistened at all the little cats and dogs.

Jay held my hand and walked us to the counter as he picked up a menu and we sat down, as soon as we sat I stood up again and ran to the little animals.

"Jay-ah look at this one, she's soo adorable" he walked over and joined me as I picked up this black Labrador and stroked his fur, Jay smiled at me and took some pics as he mumbled 'cute' thinking I didn't hear I just blushed to myself.

He sat next to me and picked up a white fluffy kitten and started playing with it as I watched in awe, he was such a big guy yet he was soo careful with this small being.

After a few hours of hanging out with the cats and dogs we finished our drinks (boba duh) and got into the car "where to now?" He smirked to himself "surprise" I swear to god this dude and his 'surprises' are gonna be the end of him.

I couldn't even be arsed to ask so I just started showing Jay the pics with us and the pets........

We were on the motorway when Jay randomly parked up on the side and pulled something out from his pocket, he smiled at me and put a

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We were on the motorway when Jay randomly parked up on the side and pulled something out from his pocket, he smiled at me and put a......blindfold? On me "Jay? Wtf are you doing?" He chuckled and squeezed my nose.

"Watch your language and like I said it's a surprise" I rolled my eyes even tho he couldn't see and just kept quiet as I heard the car start again.

Finally we arrived at the destination and the car turned off "we're here" "can I take my blindfold off now?" He chuckled and obviously said no, he came round to my side and helped me out the car.

He held my hand while we walked "take your shoes off" I just stood there dumbfounded "how tf am I gonna take my shoes of Jay?" He chuckled and sat me down as he took them off for me.

We continued walking hand in hand as the soft grass beneath tickled my toes "it tickles" Jay laughed and pecked my lips "cutie" I blushed slightly and slapped his arm "stop taking advantage of me while I can't see."

After a few more minutes he finally stood in front of me and took off my blindfold "surprise!" I looked around in awe.....

I started tearing up as I looked to see Jay setting up a picnic "Jay-ah" he turned around and smiled at me as he made his way over to me and held my hands

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I started tearing up as I looked to see Jay setting up a picnic "Jay-ah" he turned around and smiled at me as he made his way over to me and held my hands.

He wiped away my tears and caressed my face "Rams, I love you soo much and I hope we can spend the rest of our lives together forever. I promise to never let you down and always be here for you to rely on, I love you Garam" I smiled and pulled him into a kiss.

Our lips melted in each others touch as they fit perfectly, we pulled away and got lost in each others eyes "I love you too" he smiled and pulled me over to the picnic mat.


We finished eating and had been talking for half and hour "okay it's been half an hour!" I looked at Jay confused as he stood up and picked me up walking to the water "YAH JAY I SWEAR TO GOD IM DUMPING YOUR ASS IF YOU THROW ME IN" he just laughed "it's a shame you love me too much to do that" he wasn't wrong.

He threw me in and laughed at my reaction "PARK JONGSONG YOUR DEAD!?!?" he continued laughing and while he was busy doing that I crept behind him "peek a boo" I pushed him in and now it was my turn to laugh.

I jumped back in and swam to him, he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist as he stared into my eyes with soo much love "I'm soo happy to have you in my life Rams" I smiled and pecked his nose "me too."

We spent the rest of the evening enjoying each others company and ended up going home late but it was fine cuz my dad is abroad currently with a business partnership, let's hope he never finds out about us.


Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now