Alone 🏠

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I woke up with a pounding headache "ah Hyung your awake" I looked to my side and saw Jungwon and Sunghoon smiling at me "w-what happened?" I scratched my head trying to recall everything but that's when my world stopped. Garam.

I turned to them panicking "please tell me she's still here? Tell me it was all I nightmare?!? PLEASE?!?!" They looked at each other gloomily "we're sorry Hyung" I sat back trying to suppress tears "fuk" I ran my hand through my hair as my heart broke.

I looked at my two best friends and smiled weakly "thanks for being here with me" they smiled and hugged "of course Hyung, anything for you" we pulled away "sooooo how'd you find me?" They looked uneasy.

"You sure you wanna talk about it now?" I nodded waiting "I need to know" Jungwon sighed and nodded "well after Garam knocked you out she immediately called us and told us your whereabouts and told us to contact the police after we had found you for Jihoons arresting" after all I put her through she still looked out for me. I'm such a dick.

I nodded "I need to see her" they both didn't look at me "Hyung you can't-" "I NEED to make things right with her Sunghoon please" they both kept silent making me sigh "fine I'll do it myself" I stood up still feeling weak but walked out the room.

"Hyung please-" this time Sunghoon held him back "let him see for himself" see what? Fuk it. I got in my car with Sunghoon and Jungwon and started speeding towards Garams house "please be there" I wasn't a religious man but I was praying, this is what she does to me.

We finally got there and I hastily ran to the door, I started banging when Heeseung Hyung opened the door "Jay?" I pushed passed him and ran in "GARAM!! GARAM!!" I kept screaming her name as I ran all over the house but.....nothing.

I ran over to Heeseungs and a sleepy Ni ki "where is she?!? WHERE?!?" Heeseung sighed "Jay do you even know how long you were out for?" I let go of his collar and waited for and answer "you were in a coma for a week Jay, she.....she left" my world fell apart at the moment. She was really gone.

I broke down as I fell to my knees "please I'm begging you tell me where she went" they didn't answer and after all I put their family through I didn't wanna push so I just kept crying and crying.

Jungwon and Sunghoon kneeled down and embraced me "shhhh it's okay Hyung you'll get through this" I smiled at the two and stood up shakily "I'm sorry for all the trouble I put your family through, I'll be leaving now" I bowed to the two brothers of my lover and turned to leave but was pulled into a hug.

I melted in both of their arms "she really loved you, you don't understand how hard this was for her but she had to do it for her own health" I smiled at Ni ki, even tho I knew he wasn't very fond of me he was still soo caring.

I turned to leave "if you see her tell her I miss her and will never forget her" they nodded as I walked out the door, I got in the car and took a deep breath as I looked at the house "see you in another life strawberry" I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. Well meet again.


Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now