Fml 🔎

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Jiwoo POV
I walked into the police station where I work and greeted everyone on my way to my office, I was surprised to see my boss talking to someone in my office but still walked in smiling.

"Morning sir" the older male turned and smiled at me as did the man who he was talking to and as soon as I saw that unforgettable face my heart dropped "Jiwoo meet your new partner, Park Jay" Fuk my life.

I smiled fakely as I raised my brows "hm?" He chuckled and continued "well since Jake has moved up to chief you need a new partner and who better than your fiancés brother right?" Ah this clueless old man 🤦‍♀️.

"Are you sure? I thought I'd just work with Taesan?" he shook his head "ah no no its a nice way for you to get to know your future brother in law" yh yh I think Ik everything I need to 😒.

He clapped his hands "well I'll leave you two to it" he pat Jays shoulder wishing him good luck before he left us "soo-" "how the fuk where you able to get this job?!?" He smirked and sat opposite me "quirks of being a mafia boss" he shrugged like it was nothing like it wasn't the reason my daughter grew up fatherless.

I started sorting out my desk "so after everything you still stuck to that shit?" He went silent making me scoff but luckily we were interrupted "hey Jiwoo~" ah yes Han Taesan my good old loud ass friend.

"Hey Tae" he happily sat next to me before shaking hands with Jay "Jay, Jiwoos new partner and boyfriend-" "ex" Taesan furrowed his brows "the one I told you about?" His eyes widened as he made an 'o' with his mouth.

"Oh shitttt we're not supposed to like him right?" I nodded as he smiled at Jay apologetically "sorry mate" Jay merely shrugged "meh it's understandable" and there he does it again, downplaying everything 🙄.

"Anyways Tae whatcha here for?" He handed me a file "new case" I flipped through the file as he spoke "I'm working with you on this case, woman found floating lifeless in Han river" damn.

I tsked before handing Jay the file "poor thing, ait lets check out this poor thing" I stood up and walked towards the door "newbie your driving" I threw the keys at Jay who caught it easily "sure" god does nothing annoy him?!?

We arrived at the crime scene and there was officers everywhere as usual "where's the body?" Taesan dragged us in front of a lifeless middle aged woman "Park Yuna aged 34, no family only a boyfriend and heavy in debt" I crouched down to examine the face of the poor victim.

"Cause of death?" I looked up at the body examiner "most likely drowned but not suicidal as you can see the bruises on her arms show sign of struggle" I nodded and thanked the officer before returning to the two.

"First person we check is the boyfriend, Kim Woonhan" they both nodded as we started walking back to the car "you know it's been a while since I've seen a dead body, quite refreshing actually you know it-" I'm not taking his bullshit anymore.

"JAY! A word?!?" He raised a brow at me and hesitated but nodded "I'll wait for you two in the car" I nodded to Taesan as he smiled at me reassuringly before leaving us. Time to bring up the elephant in the room. Yay.


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