Mine 🔞🔞

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Garam POV
The whole drive to Jays house I was cuddling in his arms as he comforted me, I looked up and stared at his pretty face "thank you Jay, for everything" he looked at me and smiled as he pecked my lips "I would do it again in a heartbeat" I smiled and snuggled my face in his chest.

After a ten minute drive we arrived at this huge ass house, I looked up in awe as I heard Jay chuckle at my stupid reaction "is this your house?" he nodded as he took my hand leading us inside "our house now" I blushed as I stepped in with him.

I leaned down to take my shoes off but Jay stopped me "let me" I smiled shyly and nodded as he bent down and took off my shoes for me.

After he was done with his own shoes he picked me up in bridal style "Jay~" he chuckled as I hid my face in his chest "your too cute strawberry" he pecked my nose as I giggled like a child.

He brought me up to his room and lay me on his bed as he stared at me hungrily but hesitant to do anything so I took it as a chance to initiate the kiss by pulling him down on the bed by his tie as I smashed my lips on his.

His eyes widened but he kissed back when he realised making me smile against his lips, he picked me up with out removing his lips from mine as he placed me on his lap.

I had my hands wrapped around his neck as his were placed on my waist, I felt my mind go fuzzy when he squeezed my waist as he nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entry.

I moaned through the kiss as his tongue entered my mouth as he pushed for dominance, I whimpered in his arms as our tongues meshed together.

He pulled back only to attack my neck trying to find my sweet spot, when he started sucking on my collar bone that was it for me "fuk Jay" I let out a breathy moan as he smirked against my skin "you like that don't you princess?" I moaned in response as he placed me on the bed so he was hovering over me.

He pulled away from my neck as he stared at the hickey with a proud smirk "now everyone knows who you belong to" I giggled as I slapped his arm playfully "Park Jay!" he chuckled and came closer to my face making my heart melt with that cute smile of his.

He looked down to my chest which he could now see a bit of but was hesitant "Jay what is it?" He sighed and looked away "I don't want to bring back any bad memories princess" I smiled at his concern as I put my hand on his cheek making him look at me.

"Trust me Jay, having sex with you would be like having a clean slate" he removed my hand from his cheek as he kissed it "okay princess" I smiled as he pulled me into another kiss but it was different to the other kisses, short but meaningful.

He pulled back and gave a soft smile "are you sure you want to have it with me though?" I gave a confused look "why not? I love you not anyone else" he smiled shyly but continued "I'm just not experienced" I raised a brow as he chuckled nervously "Garam I'm a virgin" my eyes widened at the realisation. He wanted to loose his v card to me.

He ran his hand through his hair "see you obviously don't want to have sex with a virgin I'm sorry about this Rams I-" before he could continue I put my finger on his lips and gave a sweet smile "I'd love to be the one to take your virginity only if that's okay with you" I saw a hint of blush spread on his cheeks as he nodded making me smile.

"Do you want me to take lead?" He shook his head "I wanna try" I nodded and smiled as I relaxed waiting for him, he rubbed his thumb on my bottom lip before he kissed me.

I melted in his touch as he started pulling off my jumper while I started unbuttoning his shirt, his kisses traveled down from my mouth to my jaw my neck to my chest as he looked up for permission and as soon as I gave it to him he ripped off my bra as his wet tongue attacked my nipples.

I looked down at his abs and GOD he was built, before I could stop myself my fingers were tracing his abs as I looked at them in adoration "like em?" I nodded shyly as he chuckled and pecked my lips "they're only for your eyes princess" I giggled as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear "beautiful" I knew I was a blushing mess at this point but fuk it.

I released a moan as his hands massaged my waist while his mouth sucked on my tits "oh fuk Jay please don't tease" he chuckled as he started pulled down my trousers and playing with my clothed pussy.

He ripped off my pants and shoved his fingers in while his mouth was still on my tits "soo wet for me love" I whimpered as he shoved in a second finger making me moan loud but as soon as I realised my eyes widened as I covered my mouth making him chuckle "don't hide those pretty little noises baby."

He brought his face next to my ear so his hot breath hit my skin making shivers run down my spine "I wanna hear my name come from your mouth as you cum undone on me" I blushed as I questioned how the fuk was he a virgin with that dirty mouth.

His fingers never stopped as they started to curl onto my gspot while his thumb was circling my clit making me feel soo much pleasure at once, his tongue was leaving hickeys all over my chest as he put all his concentration into me.

His pace fastened and that was all I could take as I came all over his fingers while my body shook, pulled his fingers out and sucked them as I blushed "Jay-ah~" he smirked "you taste soo fukin good" I blushed as he pecked my nose before reaching for something in his cupboard. A condom.

This was finally it, my fresh start with the love of my life "ready love?" I smiled and nodded as he pulled off his trousers leaving in his boxers.

I stared at his bulge as my mouth watered, I looked up at him before pulling down his boxers and pumping his cock as he released a throaty moan and oh god it was sexy "your little hand fits perfectly around my dick baby" I giggled as my cheeks heated up.

Before I could put my lips around his long thick friend he held my chin "not today love" I pouted as he smiled and pecked my lips "we're about to have sex and your still acting all cute" I smiled as he chuckled.

He lay me back down on the bed before he ripped open the condom pack with his teeth "fuk that was sexy" he chuckled as he continued to slid the condom on his dick before placing himself at my entrance as his tip touched my clit.

"I'm going in now" I nodded as he pushed his long cock into my dripping pussy, I let out a loud moan as he finally was in me, he gave me one last look before moving in and out of me.

I started to buck my hips up when he fastened his pace " god your soo tight love. Fuk" I clenched tighter on his dick at his deep throaty moans.

He's soo careful with me as he tries his best not to hurt me, I start moaning loudly at a high pitch as he grips tighter on my hips but making sure he doesn't hurt me.

I open my eyes to see the sweat dripping as his hair sticks to his forehead and FUK it was hot "fuk Rams I don't think I'll be able to last long with the way your tight lil pussy clenches around me" I moaned as he pressed his lips on mine again.

He removes one of his hands from my waist as he starts circling my clit with his thumb making me pull away from the kiss while moaning "Jjay I'm ggonna mhm cum" he grunted as he pushed in deeper "hold on a little longer love."

At this point my moans were nonstop as we were both covered in sweat, his thumb started going faster on my clit until we both reached our high.

He pulled out carefully and threw the condom as he lay next to me "that was amazing Jay" he turned and gave me a small smile "best sex I've ever had" he chuckled as he caressed my cheek "I love you strawberry" he pressed his lips on my forehead "I love you too JayJay" and with that I just wanted to go to sleep.

"Come on love let's clean up" I groaned "I just wanna sleep~" he chuckled at my whiny behaviour "at least let me bathe you hm?" I looked over at him and nodded.

He left the room naked as I stared at his ass, god blessed that man with a FINE ass and I own it 😁 he came back a few minutes later "ready" I nodded as he picked me up and brought me to the bathroom and with that we spent the rest of our night cleaning up and cuddling.


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