Lap 🫦

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Garam POV
We all sat in a circle still laughing over Sunghoon and Sunoo, they're soo cute istg I saw Sunghoon rubbing Sunoos thighs ahhhhhh soo perfect for each other.

Sunghoon spinned the bottle and it landed on me and I ain't no pussy so I chose dare but knowing Sunghoon it's gonna be risky "I dare you to sit on Jays lap for the rest of the game" I froze as my shyness returned.

I looked over at Jay and saw him smirking HES FUCKIN SMIRKING. I'm fucked 😐 "gonna pussy out?" I looked over at Sunoo and stuck my tongue out "you just got fucked by Sunghoon so shut up" he went silent as everyone laughed but I couldn't. I was too frickin scared.

I stood up and took a deep breath as I walked over and stood in front of Jay, how da fuk do I do this. He chuckled and pulled my hips onto his lap as I felt my face turn into a tomato, lets hope he didn't see my face.

He brought his head next to mine as he whispered in his deep voice "shy baby? Don't worry I don't bite" I nodded shyly as he chuckled and sat back.

The game continued with some crazy dares and sussy truths "hey Bahiyyih do you have some blankets? Rams is shivering" they all awed as I blushed but I really wasnt shivering? Yes I was cold but not THAT cold. What are you planning Mr Jongsong?

I shrugged it off as Jay took the blanket off Hiyyih unnie and placed it on both of our legs, I whispered a small thank you before he chuckled and came closer to my ear as his hot breath on my skin made my body shiver "don't thank me princess, you'll see the real reason I wanted this" real reason? Wtf is my man on about?

I shook my head as we continued playing truth or dare, I was laughing as Bahiyyih did a chicken dance as her dare but felt something warm on my thigh. I put my hand on my thigh to be met with a veiny hand as I looked up to see Jay unbothered laughing at Hiyyih unnie.

I gulped as I understood what he meant before when he said 'real reason' now all I can do is pray to god to save my ass, we continued wiv the game as I tried focusing to keep my mind off but he started rubbing up and down my thighs.

My face started heating up as I felt the wetness in my pants grow while he just acted unbothered and squeezed my thighs. "How about we watch a film before we all go home" everyone agreed as I just nodded still not able to think straight as his fingers were playing in a very dangerous area.

His fingers played with the hem of my shorts, his smooth fingers started caressing my waist as I felt the heat rise to my face. He moved his hand downwards to my clothed pussy and started rubbing it up and down, I bit my lip to suppress the moans but fuk his fingers are good.

He pulled my hips closer on his lap and I felt his hard on underneath me, he started guiding my hips so my ass was rubbing his dick. He pushed deeper as I tried to focus on the film "do you like this princess?" His warm breath on my ear leaving me as trans tomato 🤦‍♀️

Soon enough it was midnight and everyone was exhausted "I think we should all go home now, it's getting rly late" everyone agreed with Jungwon as we all tidied up and made our way out.

Sunghoon was gonna drop Sunoo home, Jungwon was staying over at Hiyyih unnies house to do yk what 😏 and that left Jay and me....great 😑.

I got in Jays car and waited for him to start the car, we sat in silence and I was hopeful it'd stay like that but obviously he can't keep his fat mouth shut 💀.

"Soo did you like my present for you?" He smirked as he looked over at my flustered state "fuk off Jongsong" he chuckled and damn it was sexy "I mean you could've stopped me if you wanted but..." I glared at him as his cute lil smile grew bigger.

We got out the car and stood outside my house, he reached over for my hand and caressed it "I hope you understand I did that from a place for love not lust, I've waited a month Rams and I'm desperate to call you mine. What's your answer?" I smiled at his nervousness and put my other hand in top of his.

"Of course I'll be yours Jayjay" he smiled and and hugged me "you don't understand what I'm feeling right now, I love you soo much my lil strawberry" I giggled and hugged him back "strawberry? I like it" he pecked the top of my head as we stared into each others eyes.

"How about you take me on a date? I'm free next Saturday" he pulled away and kissed my forehead. "I'll pick you up at 5pm?" I nodded and pecked his lips "I'll see you then my lovely girlfriend."

I opened the door and stood inside as he walked over to his car screaming "I have a girlfriend FUK YES" I chuckled at his cuteness and went inside. I just hope my father doesn't break us apart.


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