A day with uncle Jay 👨‍👩‍👧

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Jiwoo POV
I woke up to someone jumping on my bed "huh?" I opened my eyes to see my three year old daughter jumping on Jays bed which I'd slept in alone cuz those two pussies were scared of a spider.

I smiled at the excited girl and pulled her down into a hug "eomma!" She giggled as I held her "now how'd you get in hm?" She looked up at me with a wide smile "uncle Niki dropped me off and the door was already opened so he left me in here" ah yes my lazy brother of course.

I snuggled the young girl feeling content "how come your not sleeping in your room?" I looked down at my daughter and smiled "because your uncle Jay and Jake are both babies and wanted to sleep together" she scrunched her nose "that's gross" I nodded giggling at the little girls response.

We eventually got up and I told her to get changed since we were going out, I walked into my room to find my fiancé and ex sleeping together completely comfortable........

I chuckled and pulled out my phone to take a pic before an amazing idea popped into my head, I ran out the room and pulled Mijoo in before we both started jumping on the bed "WAKE UP" we were both laughing as the two men slowly woke up

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I chuckled and pulled out my phone to take a pic before an amazing idea popped into my head, I ran out the room and pulled Mijoo in before we both started jumping on the bed "WAKE UP" we were both laughing as the two men slowly woke up.

Jay and Jake opened their eyes and smiled as they saw us jumping "wakey wakey" I was stopped when Jake pulled me into his arms "it's too early baby~" I giggled and pecked his lips "it's 10am Jake wake tf up" he groaned and sat up "I hate you" I smiled "I love you too~"

I got off the bed "Mijoo go get changed sweetie" she nodded and ran out "today your gonna have a day with your daughter" Jays eyes lit up "really?!?" I nodded "you can take me and Mijoo anywhere but I don't want her to know that your her father just yet" he nodded "I understand, I'm gonna go get ready" he jumped out of bed and ran to his room.

I then averted my attention to my fiancé who'd gotten comfy in bed again so I hit him with a pillow "YAH YOU HAVE WORK" he groaned and flopped onto his stomach "your soo mean Ji" I giggled and pulled his legs "get.up" he nodded and got up "fine" he stood in front of me before pecking my lips "morning baby~" this kid.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his waist as I rested my head on his chest "I wish you could join us today" he hugged me back and pecked my head "I know love but I have work, maybe another time hm?" We pulled away and I nodded "okie" he chuckled and ruffled my hair.

I walked to Mijoos room to check on her "oh eomma I picked an outfit for us" I raised a brow "matching?' She nodded as she handed me my outfit "go change" she shoved me out the room making me chuckle at the little girl soo similar to her father........

I walked to Mijoos room to check on her "oh eomma I picked an outfit for us" I raised a brow "matching?' She nodded as she handed me my outfit "go change" she shoved me out the room making me chuckle at the little girl soo similar to her father

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