The truth 🤕

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Garam POV
It's been a month since me and Jay broke up and there's only one word to describe it.....hell, I've had to ignore not only Jay but my friends as well cuz my father wants me to focus on my academics and not 'fuk around with gays' the homophobic bastard 🙄. They all keep trying to talk to me especially Jay but I can't risk their safety knowing what my father is capable of.

I woke up to a painful grip on my hair, I looked up to see my father dragging me out of my bed by my hair "appa pls stop" I spoke in almost a whisper as not to anger him further "SHUT UP!!" He threw me in the middle of my dressing room and sat down.

He called for one of his bodyguards to pull me to stand "get changed, I have an important meeting today so if you fuk it up I will get rid of that gay friend of yours" my whole body tensed up understanding what he meant by 'get rid of'.

I stood up and bowed "yes appa" he gave no expression as one of his guards led me to the changing room to get ready, your prolly thinkin wtf is going on but this is what hides behind my smile. Abuse.

Anyways I walked in my changing room and once the door shut hurried to get ready keeping in mind how impatient my father is, I looked at the new slutty outfit he picked for me and sighed before changing...........

Anyways I walked in my changing room and once the door shut hurried to get ready keeping in mind how impatient my father is, I looked at the new slutty outfit he picked for me and sighed before changing

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I put some light makeup on and stared at myself in the mirror as I fake smiled and left the room "I'm done appa" he stood up with no emotion and left the room as one of his bodyguards dragged me along.

We got to my fathers private club and I sat in the vip room that I've spent most my life in, I just sat on the bed while looking through my old photos and started tearing up when I saw one of Jay.........

I let out a broken chuckle as I thought back on that day, it was raining so we ran into the closest shop and it turned out to be a bathroom store so we just messed about until we got kicked out "aish what is wrong with me" I wiped away my  tears a...

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I let out a broken chuckle as I thought back on that day, it was raining so we ran into the closest shop and it turned out to be a bathroom store so we just messed about until we got kicked out "aish what is wrong with me" I wiped away my tears and just in time.

One of my fathers men knocked before walking in "the guests are here" I nodded with no emotion and followed after him, we walked into the main area of the club and over to where my dad was sitting with his clients.

Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now