Ferris wheel 🎊

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Garam POV
It's finally Saturday, these two weeks at this school have been amazing. I've become soo close with all of my new friends so today we're going to the fair, I got out of bed and changed into something cute to impress Jay 🤫😏......

 I've become soo close with all of my new friends so today we're going to the fair, I got out of bed and changed into something cute to impress Jay 🤫😏

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Ik he's gonna fall head of heels for me hehe, luckily my father was out the house so he couldn't lecture me on my outfit choice.

I got a lift from Sunoo and Hiyyih and since the car journey was 30 mins we did car karaoke and trust me we slayyed. We finally got there and met up with the other three and as soon as I saw Jay my heart rate increased thinking about the kiss we shared.

I shook the thought away and pulled Sunghoon to the side, today I was focused on my SunSun ship sailing "Hoon todays the day you ask him out, you ready?" he slowly nodded as I saw the sweat form on his head.

I held his hand and squeezed it "trust me, he's going to accept you. Just speak from the heart" I smiled as I saw him calm down "thanks Rams" I giggled and pushed him "go get your man" he chuckled as we both joined the group again.

Sunoo gave a confused look and decided to question "what was that about?" I chuckled at his worried state as I pinched his cute cheeks "don't worry about it, all you need to know is by tonight your gonna love me" I winked at him as he still remained confused.

We started going on different rides and I tried to avoid Jay still wayyyyy to nervous to bring up our kiss, what if it meant nothing to him. What if it was just a dare. What if- nope now I'm just overthinking, see this is why we shouldn't fall in love.

I obviously told Sunoo and Hiyyih about the kiss and them being themselves teased the shit out of me, yes great friends. Anyways we were about to go on the roller coaster and had to team up so obvs I made sure Sunoo and Sunghoon were together but I couldn't be alone with Jay.

I walked up to Jungwon and Hiyyih "Wonnie I'm stealing your girlfriend for this ride so deal with it" he chuckled and shook his head "no~ you and Jay have to be together maybe have another smooch-" I closed his mouth before Jay could hear as the other two chuckled.

"How the fuk do you know? Jay tell you?" he nodded as I rolled my eyes and accepted fate (insert enhypens fate hehe) I sat in my seat waiting for Jay. Soon enough the man of my dreams arrived "can I sit?" I looked up and nodded while smiling.

While waiting for the ride to start Jay struck conversation "hey Garam do I make you uncomfortable? It seems like your avoiding me" shittttt, I shook my head "no no its not that, I was just trying to get Sunghoon and Sunoo together" he smiled and nodded, good save "thank god" I turned and smiled at him as the ride started.

I didn't get a second to process as it immediately went at a crazy speed, out of reflex I held onto Jays arm and hid my head in it as I heard a soft chuckle from him but I kept my eyes shut wayyyy too scared to face reality.

I felt him pat my back in a way to comfort me but it just made my heart go crazy, the ride slowed down so I decided to open my eyes but instantly regretted it as it only slowed down because it was about to drop down.

I hid my face in Jays lap as the ride sped downwards but thankfully Jay stroked my hair "shhh its gonna be over soon" I smiled to myself as I felt safe in his arms. Soon enough the ride finished and Jay helped me get back on my legs.

"I'm gonna throw up" I ran to the nearest bin and vomited my whole life out, Jay held my hair back and my stomach slowly calmed down. I stood up and wiped my mouth "you okay" he looked at me genuinely concerned making me giggle and nod. We joined back with the group and they all just teased me yayy :l


It was finally the last and most romantic ride which I especially chose for SunSun to become official, the ferris wheel. "Okay lets get on" we all stood in the line and when it finally came to us I pushed Sunghoon and Sunoo forward "you love birds up you go" Sunghoon mouthed a 'thank you' whereas Sunoo gave a flustered look at me as I returned it with a wink.

I smiled as they both went up "next" I moved to the side for the next couple to go but as soon as I turned I was pushed into the box with JAY!!!! "enjoy you two" I glared at Jungwon and Hiyyih as me and Jay went up, I guess what comes around goes around in used in any situation.

I was terrified of looking down at the height so I just stared at my hands on my lap hoping to avoid all awkwardness with Jay but God obviously hates me "Garam do you want to talk about the kiss" no fuk no I do not.

I kept quiet as Jay held my hands that were still resting on my lap which made me look up at his gorgeous boba eyes "I just want you to know my feelings for you are legit, I like you Garam. I knows it's only been two weeks but from the moment I met you I fell in love with you bubbly, smiley personality" I felt my heart soften at his calming yet meaningful words.

"That was sweet Jay and I do feel the same, I've never fell for a guy but you stole my heart, I just need some time. My father would kill me if I dated a guy so please give me a month to decide" he smiled and nodded "I'll wait as long as I must to call you mine" I giggled and rested my head on his shoulder as we stared at the beautiful sunset.

Soon enough the ride finished and all of our friends were waiting "so? are yall dating?" I shook my head at Sunghoon as I chuckled "we both confessed but want to take our time" they all groaned as Jay chuckled and held my hand.

"Well someone one who didn't fail tonight was I, Park Sunghoon am now dating Kim Sunoo" we all clapped as I squealed and hugged the two idiots "my ship has finally sailed" they chuckled as Sunghoon spoke up "thank you Rams for giving me the little push I needed" I smiled and ruffled up his hair as we all went off to celebrate.


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