I missed this 😌

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Jiwoo POV
I woke up to that fukin blinding thing called the sun and turned to find the love of my life laying peacefully next to me, a smile spread on my lips as I stroked his hair.

I shook him slightly "JayJay it's time to wake up" he opened his eyes slowly and looked up smiling at me "morning gorgeous" he pressed a kiss on my cheek as he sat up.

"What'd you want to do today?" I shrugged as I leaned into his warmth "idc as long as I'm with you" he chuckled as he stroked my hair "how about we go get breakfast hm?" I nodded like an excited puppy as we both got outta bed and got ready.

I waited for Jay at the door "ready love?" I looked up from my phone and smiled at the cutie "yap" he smiled sweetly and interlocked our hands leading us to his car.

The whole ride there Jays hand was holding mine as it rested on my lap making a small smile form on my lips "um Jay" he hmed "what are we?" He smiled softly as he looked at me.

He brought my hand up to his lips as he pressed a kiss on it "I'm your boyfriend if you'll let me" I grinned widely and nodded "aren't I a lucky gyal" he chuckled as his thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand.

We finally arrived at the cafe and parked up walking up to the cute shop together hand in hand......

"Pretty~" I heard him chuckle "agreed" I looked up to find him staring at me making me blush and giggle shyly "shut up" he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist

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"Pretty~" I heard him chuckle "agreed" I looked up to find him staring at me making me blush and giggle shyly "shut up" he chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

We got seated at the cafe and as I looked around my eyes sparkled at the cute aesthetic, a waitress walked up to us "are you ready to order?" I looked at Jay as he nodded.

I looked down at the menu and the prices were HIGHHHHHH "oh um I think I'll just have a glass of water" I smiled shyly as the waiteress nodded but before she could speak Jay spoke again "actually we'd like one of everything" my eyes widened.

"E-everything?" Jay nodded at the waitress unfazed "if my girlfriend doesn't know what she wants then she can try everything" oh no no.

I punched his arm "owh?" I shook my head at him "that's a waste of food Jay" he folded his arms "then order something" I rolled my eyes "Jay I don't want you spending this kind of money on me" he shook his head "choose or I get everything" aish this boy.

I gave up and ended up ordering some pancakes while Jay ordered tea the old man, the food was quite quick to arrive "mhm~" I closed my eyes in pure bliss as I took a bite of the pancake.

"This is soooooo good" Jay rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea "I can make them better" I giggled at his cute pout and leaned in to peck his lips "of course your cookings the best" he smiled proudly making me giggle.

We finished eating and Jay obvs wouldn't let me pay for shit cuz as he said 'I'm your sugar daddy' but don't worry yall I punched him for it 😁.

We were walking back to the car when I saw this cute couples shop "can we go in? Please please pleaseeeeee" Jay chuckled and nodded as we entered the shop.

I rushed towards the couple outfits and excitedly looked through, I was suddenly stopped by a large arm around my waist "calm down love we have time" I giggle shyly as he pecked my cheek.

After a while of looking and us trying on different outfits Jay was ready to leave "just one moreeeee" Jay groaned "but I'm tireedddd" I smiled innocently as he sighed and gave in........

"This one's it" Jays eyes widened "Hello kitty? Are you serious?" I nodded as I picked up the two outfits to pay for them "I'm never wearing that" "can we wear it now?" His face deadpanned

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"This one's it" Jays eyes widened "Hello kitty? Are you serious?" I nodded as I picked up the two outfits to pay for them "I'm never wearing that" "can we wear it now?" His face deadpanned.

"No" "please?" "No Ji" "pretty pleaseeeee" "I said no" I pouted and gave him my puppy eyes "Ji-......fine" I clapped my hands happily as we both got changed and left the shop.

We walked to the car hand in hand and to say he was embarrassed is an understatement "Jay nobody cares" he continued to hide his face "aish stop itttttt" he sighed and moved his hand "this is only because I love you" I smiled cheekily and got into the car.

"Who woulda thought a singular woman would be able to get a mafia boss to wear hello kitty hm?" He shook his head disappointed "don't tell hoon and won about this" I shrugged with a cheeky smile as we drove off.

We were currently lying in bed with my head resting on his chest while I drew small circles on his chest "Ji?"  I hmed as he stroked my hair "I got you a little something while you were looking through those outfits" I furrowed my brows and sat up.

He pulled out a little box "I saw this and I thought it was really perfect for us" I smiled at his cuteness "now if you don't like it I'll just return it but-" I put my finger on his lips "I know I'll love it" he smiled as his nervousness blew away......

He pulled out a little box "I saw this and I thought it was really perfect for us" I smiled at his cuteness "now if you don't like it I'll just return it but-" I put my finger on his lips "I know I'll love it" he smiled as his nervousness blew away

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My hands flew to my mouth "omg Jay" he smiled sheepishly as he picked up one of the rings and placed it on my finger before kissing my knuckles "what'd you think?" I smiled as a tear slipped past my eye "I love it."

He smiled softly as he wiped away my tears and placed the other ring on his finger "I really love you Ji and I don't plan on ever loosing you again" he pulled me into his arms making me melt at his touch.

"I don't ever want to leave you JayJay" he pressed his lips on mine "I love you soo soo much Ji" I smiled against his lips as his hands held my neck carefully "I love you too Jay" I didn't realise how much he meant to me. My other half.


Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now