Together 🧺

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Jiwoo POV
We'd moved into our new house and everything was going well, me and Jay decided to have a family picnic for Mijoos birthday, we've invited Niki, Heeseung, Jake, Sunoo, Sunghoon, Bahiyyih, Jungwon, Jays parents and Karina.

It's a surprise so Mijoo has no idea, me and Jay walked into her room to wake her up "wakey wakey Jooey" she rubbed her eyes and smiled at me "happy birthday angel!" She smiled excitedly and hugged us as I handed her a present.

She ripped the wrapping paper and her eyes glowed as she held the barbie dream house set "EOMMA YOU ACTUALLY BOUGHT IT" she jumped into my arms making me giggle.

We pulled away "thank you thank you thank youuuuu" she looked at the big box and grinned "it was appas idea I think he deserves a hug as well" she smiled cutely and hugged her father.

"We can set it up later but get ready we're going out, just the three of us" she nodded excitedly and pushed us out so she could get ready "I told you the doll house was the best idea" Jay rolled his eyes and placed his arm around my shoulder "yeah yeah whatever" I giggled as we walked to our room to get ready........

"We can set it up later but get ready we're going out, just the three of us" she nodded excitedly and pushed us out so she could get ready "I told you the doll house was the best idea" Jay rolled his eyes and placed his arm around my shoulder "yea...

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Ik we look adorable anyways Jay drove us to the park while I text Niki to be ready since we were only 5 minutes away, we got out the car and held Mijoos hand as we walked into the park.

We walked towards everyone and the clueless girl still had no idea so I had to help her out "Jooey is that uncle Niki?" Her head shot up "where-" "SURPRISE" her eyes widened as she ran over to everyone.

Me and Jay followed behind hand in hand, I rested my head on his shoulder "look how happy she is" I smiled as Jay responded "she really is a mini you, full of energy" I giggled as I looked up at my boyfriend and pressed my lips on his.

We joined everyone else "hands off my baby sister" Niki glared at Jay who pulled his hands away scared "leave the kid alone" Heeseung slapped the back of Nikis head making me chuckle at my idiot brothers as I went to hug them.

"Jiwoo-ah" I turned at the soft voice and smiled "hey appa" I hugged my stepfather with love before we started chatting, basically after I left Korea I stayed with Nikis dad in Japan and he helped me soo much through my pregnancy it was like having the father I never truly had, I fully understand why my mother left that horrible man and fell in love with my stepfather.

"Grandpa!" My daughter ran up to Nikis dad and hugged him "ah how's my little pumpkin doing?" He picked her up and ruffled her hair as she giggled "I missed you~" she wrapped her arms around his neck making us chuckle.

"I got you a little present" her eyes glistened as he put his granddaughter down and pulled out a little box "ITS SOO CUTE!!" She hugged the little teddy and thanked her grandfather before running off to show Jay.

I smiled as the little girl showed her appa the toy with excitement when I felt someone's hand on my back "I also have something for you" I furrowed my brows as he smiled and handed me a little box "it was your eommas fav necklace, she gave it to me before returning back to your father" I felt tears spilling out my eyes as I opened the box.........

I smiled as the little girl showed her appa the toy with excitement when I felt someone's hand on my back "I also have something for you" I furrowed my brows as he smiled and handed me a little box "it was your eommas fav necklace, she gave it to ...

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"Swans were her f-favourite" I looked at him with a huge smile as I hugged the crying man "it's beautiful" we pulled away and he pat my head "can you?" He smiled and nodded as he placed the necklace around my neck.

He stepped back and smiled "you look gorgeous" I smiled softly and hugged him once again "thank you soo soo much for bringing happiness to my eomma" he sniffled as he hugged me back.

After catching up with everyone I made my way to Jake "hey Jakey" I pulled him into a hug which he return with a smile "hey Ji how are you? Everything going well with Jay?" I nodded "it's perfect everything's perfect and it's all because of you" I hugged him again taking him off guard.

He hugged me back as he stroked my hair "anything for you Ji" we pulled away and smiled "thank you Jakey, really" he smiled and ruffled my hair "stop being all soppy and let's go have some fun" I giggled and nodded as we walked towards the dessert table.

I leaned on a tree with a drink in my hand gazing into the distance, I felt two large hands hold onto my waist making me smile as I turned around to see my boyfriend "whatcha doin?" He pecked my lips and smiled.

I rested my head on his chest and sighed "you okay baby?" I nodded as he stroked my hair "I really love you Jay, soo soo much" I felt his chest move as he chuckled and pecked my head "I love you too strawberry and don't you ever forget it" I looked up at him and smile. I was really meant to be with him.


Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now