6 months with you 💘

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Garam POV
It's been a week since my mothers death anniversary, I woke up to find the bed empty "Jay?" I furrowed my brows as I picked up my phone to text Jay but he'd already text me.

JayJay 💞=

JayJay: morning love I have a surprise for you 😘
               Open the closet

I giggled "aish this kid" I stood up and walked to the closet to find this expensive ass outfit set up "oh Jay" I shook my head while smiling before getting changed........

I giggled "aish this kid" I stood up and walked to the closet to find this expensive ass outfit set up "oh Jay" I shook my head while smiling before getting changed

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I put some light makeup on before I was about to walk out the room when something fell off the dress.

Hey gorgeous hope you liked the dress, now walk downstairs and open the oven

"What's this boy planning?" I smiled to myself as I put the little note in my purse and hurried downstairs, I opened the oven to find a plate of my favourite breaky. Pancakes.....

I took a picture of the cute dish and started eating, when I finished I was about to put the dish in the sink when I found another note under the plate

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I took a picture of the cute dish and started eating, when I finished I was about to put the dish in the sink when I found another note under the plate.

Enjoy breakfast? A mini bear for my baby bear anyways go outside you'll find someone special

I chuckled "soo corny" I rolled my eyes and walked to the front door, I looked around when I saw Ni ki waving at me, I ran over "whats going on?" he shrugged "I'm just the driver" I rolled my eyes and got in the car.

He reached into the back of the car and handed me this cute balloon thing.....

He reached into the back of the car and handed me this cute balloon thing

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Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now