✨Rewarded✨ 🔞🔞

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After cleaning myself up I put the letter in a special place and walked down to find Jay setting the table, I walked over to him and back hugged him "hey sexy" he chuckled as he turned around and pecked my lips.

We both sat at the table and started eating "feel better?" I nodded as I smiled and held his hand "I know I've already thanked you but I can't express how grateful I am to have you Jay, you really mean the world to me, I love you" he smiled softly and squeezed my hand "love you too baby" he pressed a kiss to my hand.

We finished eating and Jay started doing the dishes obvs not letting me do it the perfect bastard, I hurried upstairs and got changed into a lingerie I wanted to try on.........

We finished eating and Jay started doing the dishes obvs not letting me do it the perfect bastard, I hurried upstairs and got changed into a lingerie I wanted to try on

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I smiled to myself in the mirror and rushed downstairs to get Jays opinion, I walked into the kitchen to find Jay cleaning his hands as he finished up.

He turned to me with a smirk on his face as I smiled shyly "what do you think? I can always return it but I quite like it" he rested his large hands on my waist and spoke in a deep voice next to my ear "your doing this on purpose hm? Turning me on?"

I pulled back and shook my head shyly "nno I just wanted your opinion" he smirked as he poked his cheek with his tongue, he pulled me closer by my waist as he lifted me up and placed me on the counter.

He started leaving small pecks on my neck which soon turned to dark hickeys "I think you deserve to be treated after today hm love?" I let out a low mewl "yyes Jjay" he groaned "not my name" fuk this man has me wrapped around his fingers.

"Yes daddy" I spoke with confidence as he pulled back and looked me in the eyes, fuk that look "good" he smashed his lips on mine as I immediately responded.

He nibbled on my bottom lip as I gave him entry letting out a small moan, his tongue explored every crevice of my mouth as our salivas mixed I felt my stomach fill with butterflies.

He pulled away as a trail of saliva connected our lips, he caressed my cheek as his deep raspy voice hit my ear "will you let me reward you? To taste every inch of your body? Will you?" I moaned as I nodded "yes daddy" he smirked "good girl."

And with that he ripped off my NEW panties "Jay they were new~" he looked up at me stern making me shut up letting him continue, he went down to level with my pussy as he stared pecking my thighs teasingly.

"Jay~" he sucked harder "not my name" he groaned "daddy please" he looked up at me and smirked as he continued leaving hickeys on my sensitive thighs "please what princess?" "I need your mouth daddy" he smirked as he pecked my clit before stuffing his face in my pussy.

He sucked harshly on my clit, his tongue starts to do long licks against my numb making me throw my head back in pleasure "fuk daddy" he smirked against my walls as he spat on my pussy.

I was holding onto the counter as sweat was dripping down my forehead, I let out a gasp as his tongue started to go in and out of me "tastes soo fukin good" I moaned as his hands went up and unhooked the top part of the lingerie as his fingers started playing with my tits.

He started to lap my juices his hands leaving my boobs as he starts circling his finger on my clit "mhm faster daddy" he smirked as his nose went deeper into me "as you wish love" I've never had someone go down on me as good as him.

He pushed two fingers in me as he placed his tongue on my clit, his harsh sucks and two fingers brushing my gspot brought me to my climax fast "I'm cumming Jay" but he didn't stop.

I felt him cleaning up my juices "ffuk Jay" I felt overstimulated but he just slapped my thigh making me moan louder "ddaddy please ffuk" I gripped his hair as I lifted my body off the counter.

"No your not clean yet love" I let out a mewl as the oversensitivity shot up my body making me shiver but then he pulled away hastily "shit I didn't hurt you did I? Fuk I went too hard" I shook my head as I smiled at him stressing "it was perfect Jay" he smiled as he pulled my naked body into a hug.

He picked me up in bridal style as he lay next to me on our bed "your perfect love" I smiled as I snuggled into his arms (he put one of his shirts on me) this is where I'm meant to be, with him forever.


Complicated love *Jay ff*Where stories live. Discover now