Hongjong supporting you on graduation day

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8:25 a.m.

You wake up with a little headache because of how drunk you were last night. Your boyfriend gave a little party yesterday night because today is your graduation day. You already found a job for you and you were as successful as your dad had always wanted you to be. But with him gone, yesterday's party was more of an angst to you than fun.

Hongjong's nicely done talks with your family and friends carried the whole party, you didn't have to waste a sweat on it. So, you were lost whole night, drinking, missing your dad already. You two had many plans regarding your graduation but he just had to leave you like that so early. Your heart aches by the thoughts first thing in the morning. Hongjong was already up like he always did. You could smell creamy butter, salted caramel and omelette.

You get out of bed and take a shower before coming down. You see Hongjong in a white shirt and formal black pant. He looks so nicely put together where your hair is still damped and your cloths are not even ironed. If he is the perfectionist, you were the messy one.

Hearing your foot steps, he stands up and comes to you taking you in his arms, curling your body into his as he rests some soft kisses on your neck, "Good morning, sweetheart. Today is gonna be a great day, you know."

You smile smelling him, he has always liked almond, olive shampoo and smells like that right now. It is intoxicating and just the way you like.

"Thanks," all you say before he makes you sit on the chair. He treats you like a baby and you enjoy it too much that you let your pride aside. Your dad has always taught you to be an independent woman but he has always pampered you, take care of you. Hongjong does the same to you. He loves how independent you are, how perfectly you can do your things but he protects you in his own ways.

After finishing breakfast, you wear your lavender slit dress and get ready. You see Hongjong waiting for you downstairs. You smile as he takes your hand, "Let's go."

After finishing with everything at the graduation ceremony, you notice your friends and classmates with their dads. It was overwhelming you how close they were, how proud their dad was. Your eyes become watery as you get lost in thoughts wondering how happy your dad would have been today. How lonely it makes you feel though your mother and whole family is here, even your boyfriend.

Suddenly flashlight covers your eyes making you blink fast, "Hey!!!" You look as a drop of tear fall from your eyes. It's Hongjong standing with his vintage camera in hand. He loves taking pictures of you and sticking them in his studio. He likes remembering your happy times when he is feeling frustrated in his studio, that's what he said.

You smile as he stands in front of you, "Hold this," and give you a bouquet of lily and his camera. He bends down and fixes your heel's lace, "You are so careless. You could have fallen if you didn't have anyone fix your lace."

As he stands, you keep staring at him. After your dad died, he took you in his apartment. You didn't want to but when you saw him getting more closer and happier with you, you let it in.

He brushes your tears away with his thumb, "Let it sink in if it wants to come. But not all day. We have an after dinner."

You smile but when takes the bouquet and camera from your hand and hugs you, you breakdown in tears letting in all the emotions you were holding onto. It had been hours you have kept these feelings to yourself and the fact that he has been noticing it from yesterday, hurt you even more.

He has become your pillar, your best supporting system. You didn't know what you would do without him.

He pats your back as he says, "Don't worry, love. We can feel heartaches, we can overcome them too. That's what makes us human."

After some moments, you sigh and calm down. He takes your picture with your friends and family, in front of your college. He takes pictures with you and when everything finishes, he takes you in his arms telling your family and friends, "This is highly inappropriate but I'm stealing my girlfriend away from all of you. Don't call her, don't come to meet her. Tonight, I'm and only I am going to pamper her, bye."

As he tucks you in the car, everyone starts mocking you two playfully.

"You are insufferable," you tell him and he pecks you as he says,

"You are irresistible."

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