Seonghwa helping your chronic nightmare

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2 a.m.

Drowning in your nightmares one by one, you sit up feeling scared. Your t-shirt is soaked with sweat, you hair is totally drenched as sweat is running by your forehead. You haven't been able to sleep for a month by now for continuous nightmares. You start crying feeling overwhelmed by the nightmares you've seeing, in some you lost your loved ones, in some someone attacked you, tortured you, in some you saw the world perishing but mostly you were hurting in some ways.

You muffled a scream by putting your palm on your mouth as Seonghwa is sleeping like a child beside you. He was so tired yesterday night, you didn't want to wake him up. He has been going through a lot of trouble for practice, concert and comeback. Waking him was a bad choice because he just got to have some sleep after a long day.

But you keep shaking from the nightmare's trauma and crying wasn't helping. You try to get down from your bed but you are trembling too much, you legs can't take the weight of your body. You fall on the bed breathing heavily, looking here and there. Your throat is feeling so dry and your head is hurting so bad that you think it'll burst out.

"Baby, what happened to you?" Hearing Seonghwa's voice you still trying not to shake, "I-I am... Fine."

"I didn't ask if you were fine or not," he says with his sleepy voice as he sits up pulling you closer to him.

"Oh my baby, you are having nightmares again?" He asks you and you move into his arms straddling him like a koala keeping your head on his chin.

He keeps rubbing your back, "You are safe with me. They are just nightmares. Aw, my baby. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I-I didn't want to...distu-"

"God damn it, y/n. What am I here for if I can't help you sleep?" He says wiping the little distance you two had as he pulls you closer. He could feel your heartbeating so bad.

His heart starts aching feeling sorry for you, "Haven't you been able to sleep at all?"

You nod saying no as you grab him tightly.

"It's alright. Take some deep breath. Come on," he takes you face in his hands as he says, "Focus on my voice. Okay?"

You nod and take a deep breath.

"Yes, that's my girl. Again, keep doing it," he starts taking deep breaths with you and you start feeling calm after some minutes.

He helps you to sit by the headboard, "I'm bringing some water. Don't panic. I'll come in seconds. Count from 1 to 30, ok? I'll be back."

"1 2 3..." You start counting and he comes back in 20 with a water bottle. Making you drink the water, he tells you to lay down on his chest and he starts ruffling your hair.

"Please do wake me up from next time. I feel like a bad boyfriend now," he says caressing your cheek.

You hold his hand and intertwine your fingers with his, "I'm sorry. I thought you were tired."

"Not of you. I'll never be tired of you," he says kissing your forehead.

You finally smile feeling at ease with his words.

"Do you want me to sing for you?" He asks.

"Now you're being a mom material for me too? The boys weren't enough?" You ask and look at him.

But he pecks you leaving you stunned to speak, "I can be everything you need me to be. Do you get it?"

"Yes sir. Got it," you smile again placing your head on his chest, your safe place, your comfort.

He starts singing 'At my worst' with his soft, delicate voice which brings more peace in your mind as you drift back to sleep still holding his hand.

You see something in sleep but not a nightmare but a dream.

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