Wooyoung, playboy bestie likes you secretly

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Paring : Jung Wooyoung x ReaderGenre : Fluff, AngstSong to listen : Here Always (Seungmin)

A summer afternoon

Outing with Wooyoung is the best but tolerating his annoying ass is on another level. You are slurping the watermelon juice from the watermelon piece in your hand, bitting it, sucking it in your mouth closing your eyes feeling the coldness of its because you are feeling too hot right now that even your palm is burning. You're too focused on the watermelon that you've forgotten about your best friend sitting in front of you for 10 minutes in silence,( that is his longest silence though) not screaming at you while wanting your attention, neither laughing out talking about how stupid you look, you cheeks full of watermelon juice. He is just silently staring at you, thinking nothing but about you.

But his silence was too much to take so you finally pay heed to him, "Are you alright, twit? You look like you are about to kill someone, why so serious?" You ask him again giving your watermelon a bite.

"I broke up with Alley," he says, his voice quite, soft but seems raspy for some reason. You look at his eyes trying to read his experience as you always do not understanding why is he sad about leaving his 53th girlfriend.

"Did you fall for her actually that your face looks this much fucked breaking up with her? Or did she hurt you?" You ask him being protective and hypocrite. It's not you do like him being a jerk with girls but if anyone would hurt your best friend, you are ready to drown her at that moment. So, you wanted to get where he was hurt.

"I liked her for real," he says crossing his hands. You knew it, he fucking liked that girl who bullied you with her friends in uni twice. He didn't know, neither you wanted to tell him. But what hurt more was, you were fucking insane for him, not only as a best friend but more. "Did she dump you?" You ask him, clenching your hand on the watermelon, swear to God if it had life, it would die by now.

"No, I did. I was..." He sighs dropping his forehead on the table, "with her yesterday night and she fucked up so bad that I ended up dumping her. God, I wanted to break her so bad but I thought I would have killed her."

"Why the fuck are you talking like a jerk? Why would you want to break h-" you drop the watermelon when he suddenly grabs your hands, "Why didn't you tell me she hit you? Almost killed you."

You were so surprised that you stop breathing by his sudden rage. God, he was never like this, what's wrong with him?

Maybe once, he was furious because of you. Some boy was saying nasty things to you which he heard from a little far and ended up punching him so hard that the boy was in hospital for a week. Wooyoung was always so protective, possessive, maybe that's why you end up losing in his words whenever he wanted you to listen to him. Either it was about his girlfriends, his shitty drunk stories, his unwanted motivations.

When you would have sleepover in his house, he would cuddle with you like you are a guy, called you his brother introducing you to his friends. It hurt you sometimes how he never realized how much love you have for him, how much you wanted him to look at you as a woman, his woman. You never even tried telling him because you didn't wanna lose someone like him from your life. You didn't wanna cry missing his bickering, his hugs, sudden cheek kisses, fake crying, punches in your stomach, pushing you in the pool in winter, driving too fast to make you afraid, sudden screaming watching movie, throwing pop corns at you. No it would feel unfair, life would feel like a burden without these.

"Y/n, answer me!" He asks you again tightening the grip. After how long he has called you by your name? How many years? Why is he behaving unlike himself, it has started to ache your heart.

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