Hongjong trying a new positon with you

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Paring : Hongjong x ReaderGenre : Corruption smutWarning : Possessiveness, Degradation, Humiliation, Spanking, Corruption kink, Choking, BDSM, Harshness, Punishment, kinda brat tamer Hongie, Daddy kink, mention of blood.

"Don't treat me like a princess, I am not your fucking princess, come on," maybe that's the sentence that made Hongjong kinda mad at you. He hasn't touched you the way he did before from that. You know how he always gets what he wants, you don't know why you give him that everytime.

And this time, him only making lustful eye contacts with you, playing with your hair, making circles on your thighs, only kissing your lips (pecks) are making you sad.

He used be so careful about you being with someone, used to fill your room with gifts, take you to dates everyday which means he was spoiling you. You didn't like that because you think he was obsessive, more like possessive. He used to do all these to have everything over you. You didn't understand that but didn't feel comfortable with it.

"Why are you doing this to me?" You ask him finally as he is so into his phone in his room. Only cuddles? Really? That's how he is punishing you? Why is he so fuckin cocky?

"What am I doing?" He asks still eyes on his phone.

You thump on the bed making him look at you with a careless gaze, "Don't act like you don't understand."

"You said you aren't my princess. I just don't reward just anyone but my princess," he says casually taking his eyes off you.

Bloody mother fucker!

You don't know which one is inside of you, rage or arousal? Maybe rage is lightning arousal more.

"I didn't mean it that way. Of course, I am your princess when..." You stop not being able to pronounce the next sentence. Embarrassment filling your cheeks with red blush.

"When you have sex with me? Isn't it too unfair for me, baby?" He asks dropping his phone, hovering over you making you fall on the bed's corner, you were afraid you might fall on the ground but fortunately, you didn't.

"I don't want to make things hard for you but didn't you hurt me, darling?" He asks smirking, a psychotic sympathy on his face caressing your cheek.

You are not particularly scared of him, you know how he is. How you are always on his finger, doing what he makes you do. No, you don't mind either. You practically want him to eat you alive, so it's not bad to you. He is like a cannibal and you liked him for that too.

"Yes, I did," you reply looking everywhere but his eyes. You throat already getting dry from his fingers roaming in-between your breasts, slowly lifting his fingers they are wrapped around your neck.

"What should I do to you?" He asks looking right into your veins like he is about to bite you or something.

"Anything you want to," you reply gasping for air as his grip tightens.

Suddenly he takes his phone in hand and shows you a picture, "I've been thinking that position looks impossible enough, let's try it," the picture gives you shiver, is he planning to torn you apart?

"It's okay if you don't wanna try, I will just go and sleep," he says starting to get off you but you grab his hand hopelessly devoted to him. You don't wanna end up playing with yourself wanting to feel some pleasure wanting him to touch you. It would be a waste when he is giving you an invitation.

Little did you know, you tell right into his trap?

"Please," you whimper, "Ain't I your princess?"

"Get undressed," he orders without saying any other things tossing his phone on the bed. You do as he says standing on the floor, he only takes his pants off. You sigh realizing it's your punishment for being cocky. Only he has the right to rule over you, you don't. He is such a dominant bastard, but you love it.

You look at him for his next order and feel him turning you around grabbing your neck, while he twists your left hand behind your waist.

He whispers sinisterly, "Bend on the floor baby, remember not to touch your knees on the floor."

Why the hell he won't even fuck you normally first? Will you even be able to do it?

When you didn't listen, he bends your hand on the floor, "I thought you were being a good girl," you spin hurts a little but you are able to rest your head on your hands which are folded on the floor.

You can feel his thumb rubbing your butt cheeks, "Such a good girl, only mine. Aren't you, princess?"

"Yes," you say but earn a burning slap on your cheek.

"Yes what princess?" He asks again slapping you making your cheeks red.

"Yes, daddy. I am your princess," you say feeling tensed, sweating from you current position. And in no time you feel his balls touching your slit. Gladly you are already drenched in your orgasm that his tip easily gets inside of you. But unfortunately, it's making you tighter, Hongjong happier, "I love this," you cry out feeling your knees getting weak. When he finally reaches inside of you properly, you knees start dropping but he again slaps, "Did you forget the warning, princess?"

"I'm sorry, daddy!" You say gasping, breathing faster than before.

He brings himself out and hits you again with surprising force slapping you again, "What does daddy do to bad princess?" And he continues.

"He punishes his princess," you say, your hands trembling, your whole face red.

"Why are you being punished, princes?" He asks still his pace on, maybe more harshly.

"For hurting my daddy," you tell him, finally falling on your knees not being able to hold on. But he handles you so well, still doesn't leave you. Instead slap on your pussy, "You are disobeying, daddy now? Is daddy being bad to you, you bratty princess?"

"Daddy can't be bad. I am bad," you tell him and feel his hand on your back, pushing inside of you with more force. Why him hurting you feel so good to you? Isn't he seriously punishing you? Don't you deserve it for good?

"That's my princess," he tells you grabbing your butt cheeks with two hands before filling you up with him.

"D-daddy!!! My my!" You scream out loud making his ears satisfied. He loves your cries, fuck they make him want to fuck you more and more. You don't even realize when you came, you feel your body getting numb from his continuous assault.

But he flips you, hitting your back on the floor, crashes his lips on yours grabbing your neck again, squeezing.

Looks at you after making your lips bleed, "You are my princess. Mine to ruin, mine to spoil wether it's when you are dressed or fuckin naked, understand?"

"Yes, daddy. Yours to ruin, yours to hurt," you tell him and feel his thumb wiping your tears. His expression changes into a soft one, his eyes filling with so much love only for you, "Did it hurt too much?"

"We can try it more, you know?" You say giggling, your pussy still burning.

He only smiles before kissing your forehead, picking you up in his arms, "Let's take a shower together, I'll wash you up."

You are ready for every punishment he gives you, every spank, every moan he gives you, you will always accept them willingly because no one can treat you right like he does. 

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