Wooyoung and San filling your desire

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Warning ⚠️ : This one shot contains threesome. Unprotected, overstimulation, degradation, cursing, gagging, spanking, praising.

8.45 p.m.

"You are not doing this correctly," San takes the homework you were doing with him from your hand and starts doing it by himself.

You are very bad in Math. It's like your brain doesn't work when you start doing any Math. San was helping you and Wooyoung solving some Math problems but looks like he is about to lose his mind over you two.

"Come on, let's watch something or play something. I'm sick of it," Wooyoung says plopping on the matters of the living room.

San looks so annoyed as he kicks Wooyoung's legs, "You better hurry. Our final exam is this close."

"You two study, I am going to take a nap. Bye, bye," Wooyoung says closing his eyes.

You are annoyed with San being this much strict too. But you don't want to show him how easily you give up. Instead you want him to give up on Math.

As he is leaning his back on the sofa, wiggling his toe while the notebook is on his thighs, you slowly lean towards him staring at him. He is explaining how the Math is done and you are thinking about ruining all his effort as you hand is traveling from his arm to her neck.

You have been with both of the boys but you can't help wondering how will it go when both of them will fill your desire. So much attention only on you and your skin.

"What are you doing?" He asks you as you hand stops on his neck.

"You smell so good tonight," you tell him pressing yourself a little more against him.

"Wooyoung is here, you know," he tells you as he looks at you forgetting about the Math.

You smile keeping your head on his shoulder, looking at Wooyoung, "He knows about us and you know about him too. So is there any problem?"

"What are you planning?" He is whispering all these because Wooyoung looks like he is in deep sleep right now.

You look at San licking your bottom lip, "What do you think I am planning to do?"

He smirks pulling you on to his lap, "You are a cunning girl."

"I know that, right?" You tell him before pulling him for a kiss on his lips. It has been long since you've had him like this. You wrap your hands around his neck as your lips move rhythmically and you slowly grind your hips on him.

You want to give him the best show so you force your tongue in his mouth and he takes you in while his hands slides down on your hip driving them on him.

You moan feeling the bulge beneath you, you press yourself more to grow him restless. You know how it works on him like crazy. Just like you wanted, he starts squeezing your butt cheeks. His mouth falling all over your neck while your hands roaming around his hair.

"What is happening without me?" You chuckle hearing Wooyoung on edge of the mattress. You are glad you guys bought a big mattress. It was for movie night and study purpose but now it is helping in more important things.

He crawls towards you two, "You guys should have woken me up if you are having a good show."

"Good thing we haven't even started yet," San says staring at you.

"Y/n, are you being a good girl to Sannie or should I help you?" Wooyoung says sitting on his knees kissing on the back of your neck.

"I guess you should have your hands," you tell him making him smile.

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