Jongho - Paper Rings by Taylor Swift

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< Song Prompt Au 🎶 >

9.32 p.m.

You keep staring at your phone as you have been for several hours by now for being bored. The song playing in the background is making your ears bleed but you are scared to go home alone at this hour because this city isn't safe for girls to be anywhere alone. Your friend has promised you that he will drop you home as soon as the party ends but now he is nowhere to be found.

"Hey, Y/n," finally you hear your friend, Yunho from the background and look behind. But instead of meeting his eyes, you meet a pair of dark brown eyes, chubby cheeks and dark black haired boy wearing a simple black t-shirt with no design but only black cargo pants. For some seconds you feel like his eyes sparkled and he looked like he smiled at you. But the next moment, it was all gone and he shoved one glass of whiskey in his mouth without sparing you a single look.

"I'm sorry for keeping you here. I was with my friends. You haven't meet Jongho, right? He is Choi Jongho, one of my friends and Jongho, this is y/n, my childhood friend," Yunho says and you stand up awkwardly.

You don't understand what to do but gladly the word, "Hi," comes out from your mouth easily enough for being social.

One the other hand, he doesn't even smile and you. He only blinks at you in a way of making you understand he heard you and starts talking to Yunho instead. They sit around you in the couch of the party house and keep talking all night. But Jongho doesn't even glance at you for once or talk to you or ask you something.

But unintentionally your eyes keep going back to the mole on his throat. A little far from his chin and from his collarbone. It is making him look a bit too much attractive than he already is. That is making you feel so hot though the air conditioners are on.

You have always felt unattractive throughout your whole school life and college was another run as your friends got boyfriends but you got none. Sadly, no one even approached for you which made it worse. Your insecurities about your features kept getting higher when you started having guy friends but they were only comfortable in keeping you friend.

Jongho was in another college which is why you've never seen him until now. Up until now, no one has ever caught your eyes like he did. Something about him, maybe his eyes or that mole on his neck makes you weak for him already when you don't even know him.

Finally the time comes when Yunho drops you home and the first time you do after reaching home is look for Jongho in the social media and damnit, he looks like someone's boyfriend in every picture without even trying. He has gummy smile which you notice in a photo Yunho tagged him on his birthday. Oh that smile, it looks like you are about to lose your mind.

After roaming a whole hour in his social media account you notice the books beside his bed. There is a white bookshelf covered with plant and various books. You take a screenshot of that and order every book online so you understand what type of person he is and what type of romance he likes.

It's hard to sleep when for the first time you are feeling the adrenal rush for someone who didn't even talk to you for one second and completely avoided you like you are invisible. You know this isn't right but you can't help it. After knowing it is going to be a long night, you kept tossing and turning until the sun comes up and it becomes the time for college.

In college, you try to ask your friends about him but it feels wrong. So you simply finish college and enter your cafe where you work as a barista. It's very weird but you've become barista because you love brown color and the smell of coffee. It always makes your day when you are in the cafe.

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