Yunho - Friends by Chase Atlantic

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A request from Tumblr anon : Lovedd the Song prompt au! Can I ask for one with the song, "friends" by chase Atlantic where reader's friends warned her not to get back to her ex yunho and the reader really tries too but for wanting closure she somehow meets W her ex yunho...and then they end up having sex and get back together cause they're both crazily in love but since many things happened they broke up briefly which hurt them bad ...🫣 It's kinda angsty and smutty both haha.

12.00 a.m.

"Happy New Year," everyone screams out loud with you and the guy you've been with the whole night drags you into his arms smashing his thin lips on yours. For a moment, you feel good about the kiss but you don't feel anything under your stomach even when he steals you away from everyone and throws on a wall.

"I can't tell you how long I have been waiting for this moment. You look ravishing tonight," he finishes his last word and jumps into your neck kissing you, licking you, marking you.

You should like it because he is being good, rough just like you want it to. He is pinning your hands on the sides and nuzzling his nose in the crook of your neck. You inhale and exhale to feel him more inside your head but it just doesn't work.

"Seonghwa, maybe this place is not comfortable enough. We should try in some other place," you end up telling him that but that's a lie.

You know that too because when it was with him, you would have cum in the bathroom on his cock or on his hand. His fingers were enough to make you feel tight and his gaze was enough to make you feel wet. It wasn't the sex you've always known. It was the deep connection you felt in your pelvis maybe everytime he looked at you or called you by your name.

He was intoxicating and addicting. Specially when he treated you like his sex toy. You loved being that knowing how toxic it was. You don't remember falling for the mistake he was. Always lovely and shiny. You remember when he smiled a little hard, his dimple would poke out and shot you in the chest making multiple holes there.

You would never consider going away until your friend said, "He is playing with your heart, Y/n. Look at him, letting other girls glue with him."

"But he has never cheated on me," you tried to protest but deep down you felt bad about how he never once called you his girlfriend or anything special. You loved how he called you his slut, his whore, his rag doll but never his love, his girlfriend or his future. You wondered how long would it take for him to get rid off you. But ended up, you got rid off him instead.

"For God's sake, Y/n! He only cares for his motorcycle and boxing club. He wants nothing from you but sex. Are you okay with that life?" Your other friend said.

On the New Year party, your friends wanted to throw a party together and wanted to break your man ban after you've broken up with Yunho. They set you up with Seonghwa, your senior in college and he is so lovely you have to say, a fucking green flag in every ways.

But he is not the goofy tall bastard you gave your heart to, he doesn't have a forced dimple, he doesn't call you his slut or whore when he fucks you in his car, he doesn't kiss you like you are his, neither he makes your eyes tear up with joy and sadness at the same time like Yunho always did.

Seonghwa even dropped you safe at your house and you landed on the bed like a dead person. You remember breaking up with Yunho last Halloween. You both were dressed up as vampires and the party was in his house. So it was easy for you two to sneak inside his room.

It didn't take much long for him to throw you on his bed and fall right above you until his lips met yours. He was desperate and you were anxious. He felt your body stiffening, "Y/n, are you not alright?"

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