San handling you when you're drunk

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💜A birthday special one shot 💜

9.35 p.m.

San is waiting for you to come home as it's raining outside and you are in your company dinner. You've called him saying that you'll be late but he can't sleep without you, specially when you are out there in this rainy weather.

As he sits beside the window with a cup of coffee waiting for you, he thinks of you like a madman. He misses the way you smell, the way you smile, the way you feel when you hug him.

Suddenly his phone's ringtone breaks his thoughts and he answers the phone, "Hello, sweetheart."

"Hello, Sana? Are you still up?" Everytime you call him that, his heart squeezes a million times.

"Baby, you sound drunk," he says.

"Because I am really drunk. Can you pick me up?" You tell him wobbling in a corner in front of the restaurant. You know driving is not possible for you right now and you can't find a single cab. Everyone has left you because you said that you want you boyfriend to pick you. No one is ready to handle your drunk self without him.

"Of course, tell me the name of the restaurant," he asks as he takes the keys and starts driving after getting your answer.

As his car comes into view, you run towards it getting drenched in the rain, not caring about how cold it is.

"Hey!" San shouts leaving his car and taking out the umbrella.

But when you hug him, his eyes melts though he gets wet as well.

"Thank you for rescuing your princess," you tell him.

He understands the amount of alcohol you took to say that you are his princess. Normally you scream at him if he calls you his princess.

"Get in the car now or else you'll catch a cold," he tells you as he starts to release the hug but you grab his hand and abandon the umbrella somewhere.


You start clapping seeing his bangs falling down because of the heavy rain.

"You are such a kid. Get inside the car," he tells you but you shake your head.

"No, let's walk home," you tell him and he hits his forehead with his hand.

"Don't be silly. Both of our cars are here. We won't be able to go this far," he tells you but you pout sitting on the street.

The mud, water getting mixed together.

"Hey! Get up. Sweetie," he drags you up trying to clean the mess but it's sticky, they get stuck in his hand too.

"Then dance with me in the rain and then you can take me home," you tell him giggling and spinning around.

He watches you as you keep spinning in your red short dress. It's simple but in his eyes, you are looking like a beautiful devil he fell in love with.

"Alright," he says holding your hand to stop you.

"Play a song in the car. Go," you tell him and he nods.

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