your secret wouldn't be safe with me

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You turn the TV on and flip through the channels, finding a cartoon playing. "Holy shit, Cybersix is on!" You yell, pulling her onto the bed and almost waking up Chester. He's laid out like a starfish on his back. "What is it?" Asa asks as the main theme plays. "This chick is basically Batman. It's really cool." You explain.

After the episode finishes, another cartoon begins playing. "Aww, they're not gonna play more?" She asks, a bit upset. "Man, I guess not. The series isn't very long, either. There's only one season." You say.

"Mrew mow mew muew mow?" Chester meows out of nowhere.

You two look at him. You grab the notebook and pencil and place it next to him.

"Chester, why don't you just speak? You can, can't you?" Asa questions.


"..Or just write."

He sits up and picks up the pencil with his mouth. He starts slowly writing something. You two watch as he scribbles onto the paper. When he finishes, he drops the pencil, and it rolls down the middle of the bed a bit.

"Will you two shut up?" It reads.

"H-Huh? Why?" You ask.

He points at the TV with his paw. He then swings his paw down a few times. He touches his throat and repeats the motion.

"Are we being too loud?"




You reach over at the TV to turn the volume down, but you stop and turn your head towards him. "Wait, why are you even staying for so long? You usually leave after you've eaten.." You ask and turn the TV off.

His eyes drift towards Asa, then narrow. Asa makes eye contact and backs her head up a little as her eyebrow raises. The air goes quiet and remains as such for a few moments. You look back and forth at them. As you begin to open your mouth to speak, Chester crawls over to Asa and cuddles up on her lap. "Mreoooow~" He begins to purr.

She seems a little shocked, but she pets his back and sighs. "It's weird that a devil could be so nice." She says quietly.

"They're not all bad. I wonder why he decided to reveal it now." You get up and scoot closer to her, petting him as well.

"..Hey, do you think we should start working on the poems?" She asks.

"Nah, I'd rather write it while you ain't here." You say and brush your hand up against hers. She blushes a little and wraps her pinkie around yours. "Why's that?" She questions. "I know it's just for an assignment, but I could still make it personal for you."


"We're writing them about each other, right? Obviously, it's gotta be personal. But, I can write it as if I'm speaking to you, I guess."

"I'd.. I'd like that."

"Well, you better. I get offended when people don't like what I write."

She giggles softly and looks back down at Chester. "When you said.. not all devils are bad.. how do you know?" She asks while brushing Chester's fur back on his head.

You go quiet and stare at her. She glances at you a couple of times and locks eyes with you. "Y/N?"

You remain silent for a few more moments and begin to speak. "W-Well, you never know, right? There's gotta be at least some good devils out there!"

"It sounded like it wasn't an assumption, though."

"What? Noo, it was!"

"Then why are you talking like that?"

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now