in tune with all our dreams

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quick note this was supposed to be a side chapter but I changed my mind cuz this is actually important to the plot but it's mainly based on chester (kinda?) so yeah :3 sorry I haven't posted in a while

sorry for the shorter chapter I'm really really tired rn 😭 next chapter will be much longer I'll make sure of it :3

love yall <3

"MELLY, CAN YOU RUN ANY SLOWER?!" Chester yells as he dashes along a sidewalk. Melly actively tries to keep up with him, occasionally avoiding the mountain of brooms smacking behind him. "ERM.. WHY DID YOU DO THOSE THINGS?!"



Chester has his small backpack with him. A few boxes are sticking out of the backpack. Seems they stole something.

"MOOOW! MOW! MOW!" Chester calls out. After a few moments, all of his kittens come running from around the corner in formation, leaping at the human chasing the two. They're barely kittens anymore, really. They've grown quite a bit in a short amount of time. 

Chester and Melly stop and turn around, watching the army maul the human. It scrambles up and runs back to its shop.


The army turns back towards Chester, and they all sit in formation.

"Ermm.. why did we need food.."

Chester shakes the backpack off of him, and it lands on the ground. He sits and zips it open, pulling one of the boxes out.

"It's bait!"

"Bait..? For whom?"

"Those losers down in the alley, of course. We're gonna lead 'em out and jump 'em."

"J-Jump them? Erm.. that doesn't sound like a good idea.."

"No, we'll be okay. I never liked them, always ruining my fur. It was VERY irritating. I don't understand how the thought would even pop up in somebody's mind to even ATTEMPT to touch my beautiful, gorgeous, lustrous fur. It's disrespectful. I was their leader, too, and they CONTINUED to disrespect me. I mean, who does that? It's vile. Such a vile act. I feel a strong hatred towards them. Oh, don't even get me started on how they'd always hide my nip. It was MINE. They'd make you hide it, I know they did.. and.. about that.. uh.."

"Erm.. what.."

"I'm sorry if I ever lashed out on you or anything."

"Ermm.. it's okay.. twas not your fault, twas theirs.."

"Yeah.. ANYWAYS! We'll lead them out and give them a taste of their own medicine! I got 'em last time, but it was definitely not enough."

"W-We aren't going to kill them, are we..?" He seems a bit spooked.

"Nah, but I'm definitely gonna ruffle their fur as they've done to me many times."

"Erm.. do I have to partake in this matter?"

"Uh.. well, no, but-"

"I'd prefer to stand on the sidelines."


"If you say so.. I made sure to go to the pet isle to grab some nip for us." Chester says as he pulls out a small box with both his paws. He tosses it over to Melly, and it skids on the sidewalk a bit. "You can have some now if you wanna."

"Ermm.. I'd rather wait until we get back to Y/N's apartment."

"Aight." He picks it back up and puts it in his bag. "Let's go set that trap. Unless ya wanna go back to Y/N's."

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now