i already told her, if we gon' do it, then we gon' do it my way

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You walk down the street with Asa, holding her hand and glancing at her nearly every other second. She's staring at the ground, stumbling a bit as she walks.

"..B-By the way, they both said sorry."

"..." Alright, then.

You keep walking, choosing to remain silent. You can feel anxiety and guilt radiate from her, but you don't know how to help her. It's hard to help someone when they just.. won't talk.

Oh, wait..

"Asa.. we could stop by the store and get those peppers you like.. if you wanna."





"..Okay.." She spoke! Rather quiet, though.

You switch directions and begin walking to the supermarket. Maybe Chester's still playing? He might be able to help.. hopefully.

As you approach the supermarket, you can't hear anything coming from the alley. Damn it. Walking by the alley, you take a quick look as you pass by. Nothing, just a bunch of trash.

The both of you walk in the supermarket, and you make your way to where the jars of peppers are. She continues to remain silent as you both check out the jars. You got a few of them so she doesn't run out so fast.

You carry the bag for her and exit the supermarket. Your heart's feeling a bit.. twitchy. Seems it doesn't like sharing her anxiety.

As you begin walking back to your apartment, you can hear screaming nearby. You both stop dead in your tracks and look at each other before slowly poking your heads out around the corner.

You're now watching somebody be mauled by a..


"What kinda devil is that.." You say, still peeking your head out.


"Should we, like, do something.."


This feels uncomfortably awkward. You don't have any weapons on you, and you kinda don't wanna use your heart.

Oh, well, now you don't have to. You don't even have your heart on you.

Asa has it. Great.


"HEART! FORM, SET FOUR!" It listened. Your heart stretches into a longsword in her hands. When did she get so ballsy?

The devil turns towards her and drops the leg in its mouth, beginning to growl at her. It looks like some.. alligator? Crocodile? You don't know the difference. It's pretty big, though.

It charges at her, and you watch anxiously as she jumps up, placing her foot on top of its head and pushing herself over it. She begins to fall forward as she raises the sword and cuts into it. The devil squeals in pain and begins aggressively attempting to shake her off, but the sword is stuck in it, and she's holding on pretty tight. You aren't too sure if you should help, but.. like.. it seems like she's got it.

Civilians standby and watch, frozen in fear. "HEY! DON'T JUST STAND THERE, RUN!" Asa yells, yanking the sword out of the devil and stabbing its eye.

The bystanders stand for a few moments before beginning to run. The devil reaches its tail up and grabs her, throwing her at a building behind it. You should probably step in now.

She crashes into the building, and you drop the bag, running over to the devil, leaping on top and taking the sword out of its eye. It charges into another building and throws itself into it, crushing you against it.

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now