it's a scary night like trick or treat, i wanna scare her

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You both continue down the alley, splashing small puddles of water as you run. You can hear heavy breathing from afar, making you run faster. "Y-Yoru, got any ideas where he could be?"

"It's possible he's still at the apartment.. perhaps Mai has somebody working with her."

"Her? No way.. she'd only been hanging out with us and Denji, and Denji is somewhat smart enough to not follow through with something like that."

You exit the alley and look around. "U-Uh.. where's my apartment again.."

"How do you not remember where your own apartment is?"

"Man, I don't know, everything looks the same!"

"It's fine. I know whe-"

She goes silent.

You feel a hand placed on your shoulder.

"You guys are really mean."

You both look behind you and see Mai's hand right in front of your face. She grabs your head and lifts you up, throwing you back into the alley and running after you. You crash into the side of a dumpster and get up. "YORU! GO TO MY APARTMENT, I'LL BE FINE!" You yell before your jaw drop to the ground. Not figuratively, I mean literally. "OWWWHH!" You pick up your jaw and start running back through the alley. You can hear Mai scrambling on all fours behind you, catching up to you.


You hold your chest, feeling that anxiety you felt before as you slow down for a second. You feel a slash at your leg, cutting your calf open. Even so, you keep running.


You hear your own voice in your mind, calling your name.


It calls once more.

"Reality has arrived."


"Your D-Day is here."

You trip over a trash bag and fall onto the ground, feeling a deep pierce in your back.

"Save me, Heart."

You look behind you and see Mai holding your heart, watching it attempt to wiggle out from her grasp. It begins to glow a deep blue. She raises it to her head, opening her mouth.

Within a millisecond, you contemplate grabbing it from her. Then, there's that question..

Is it even worth it?

If you let her, it'll all be over.

The years of agony, longing for your heart to be held by someone other than yourself.

You got what you'll forever yearn for.

Would Asa be okay?

Chester might be fine.. but, would she?

She'd cry, but she might live on..

Someone would cry for you.

Wouldn't that be nice?

But.. if she didn't live on..

If this devil kills Asa..

Is it even worth it?


It is.

After that millisecond, you snatch your heart from her with one hand, punching her with your other hand as you put your heart back in your body. It travels into your lower torso so it doesn't fall out. You bite her arm and drink her blood momentarily before getting up, reattaching your jaw and beginning to run again. You can hear her already chasing after you.

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now