next to the infant crying in your heart

117 11 33

As Asa and Ukuri begin talking about hypothetical plans, you can feel yourself zoning out. You keep trying to pay attention, but your brain wants otherwise. All you've been thinking about is Chainsaw Man this, Chainsaw Man that, Denji this, Denji that, it's draining. Now some chick you apparently knew a long time ago is here.

You still can't comprehend why she cares, like, how good was your friendship for her to seek you out? Is it really just because she's.. bored? Like, this is some life-threatening stuff here, who would just automatically agree to it?

Wait, no, that's hypocritical. You're in this situation in the first place because you automatically offered to help Asa with this. Well, that's kind of different, right? She's your girlfriend, why wouldn't you help? Plus, Sizzie agreed just as fast and that wasn't really suspicious.. though, she does seem a bit suicidal so maybe that's why. Is Ukuri suicidal too then? No, no, that doesn't really make much sense. Maybe it really is just because she's bored.

"Y/N? Do you have any ideas?" Asa says as she taps your knee, snapping you back into reality.

"Huh? Uh.. not that I can think of, no.."

"Anything will help, we're just kinda spitballing here."

"Sorry, my brain's a bit fuzzy right now.. have you guys came up with anything?"

"Not yet, but, y'know, we just started talking about it so it'll take some time to form a proper plan. Are you feeling okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, I think I'm gonna go take a shower to clear my head a bit. You two keep talkin' about the plan." You say, crawling towards your clothes in the corner and grabbing some of them.

"Okay.. take your time, Y/N. We'll let you know if we came up with something when you get back." She says, leaning in and kissing your cheek. You kiss her nose and get up, opening the booth door. "I'll try not to take too long. Ukuri, don't pull no funny business while I'm gone."

"Funny business? Elaborate."

"Uh.. like.. just don't do nothin' weird."

"That didn't elaborate on anything. Did you mean anything violent or sexual?"

"WHAT! Well, the violent part, kinda cuz I don't know if you're up to anything, but why even bring up the last thing.."

"That could fall under "funny business". I won't pull anything. Go take that shower, your hair is ever so slightly greasy."

"Your hair's probably even greasier with that beanie you got on.."

"So defensive. Go."

"Uh huh.." You walk out and close the door behind you, walking into a room next to the bathroom. It leads to a set of rooms, each having a private shower. Pretty fancy, honestly. It's even got towels.

You place down everything and grab a towel. You walk in a room and start to take your clothes off, placing them on a counter beside you before glancing in the mirror.

There's blood splattered all over you in the reflection. Your eyes widen as you look down, seeing nothing on your skin. The blood in your reflection remains despite none of it being present.

It seems your actions have tainted your reflection of yourself.

So deeply affected by the fear you were born from.

No matter how many times you cleanse your skin, your heart will never forget.

You'll never forget.

Nor will the world.

Not Asa, not Chainsaw Man, Denji to be more precise..

Not Chester.

No matter how many times you cleanse your skin, the blood will remain.

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now