now did you get it? get it, so write it down

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The moment Dede cuts you a slice, you begin to absolutely SCARF DOWN your piece of the lasagna, eating nearly almost all of it within a few seconds. Dede and Asa watch as you do so, somehow not making a mess.

"BROOOO! ASA, I'M GONNA EAT YOUR PIECE IF YOU DON'T START EATIN'!" You yell. It comes out as more of a mumble since your mouth is stuffed. She quickly scoots her piece away from.. whatever's left of yours, taking a bite.

"Mmm!" She finishes chewing before speaking. "It is good.. thanks, Dede. Do you wanna eat with us? You only brought two forks."

"Oh, shit, you're right, oopsies. I forgot to bring mine.. uhh.. lemme go get it, I'll be right back. I'll get some soda, too!" Dede quickly scurries off, speedwalking on her toes as she moves her arms as if she were an old lady on a jog.

As you finish the last of your piece and begin to cut another for yourself, you look at Asa. She seems a bit.. off.

"You okay?" You ask, wiping your mouth.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine.. I was just thinking about something. Do you feel any better?"

"Duh, this lasagna is awesome sauce. But, what're you thinkin' about?"

"Should we really eat this? The last time we accepted food from someone, I got chained up in a bed and you got tortured for who knows how long."

"Uh.. well.. true, but c'mon, it's Dede. She seems super cool, and we would've seen the red flags already."

"Yeah.. true, the red flags were pretty prominent with Mai."

"Dunno how we didn't see that.."

"Plus, I already took a bite, so.."

"GUUUYS, I'M baaAAAAAAaaaCK~!" Dede yells, holding a big liter of soda and a fork.

"You're not trying to poison us, right?" Asa blurts out.

"Huh? What, no, you goofy goober. If I was, I wouldn't have tried to make the lasagna good, and I'd need poison, yada yada yada, you get the point."

"Mmm.. makes sense." Asa begins eating once more. Dede cuts herself a piece and you all absolutely chow down.

"WAIT!" Dede suddenly yells, putting her hands forward in front of you.


"I forgot to get ice." She gets up and scurries off once again.

"..Dude, she's so silly."


She comes back with 3 cups of ice, placing it down on the floor as she sits. "Soooooo.. how'd you two meet, anyway?"

Asa immediately puts her fork down, fixes her posture, opens her mouth and begins to go on an extremely long rant, possibly too detailed, about how you both started dating.

Warning: Extremely long and heavily detailed non stop rant. I flipped a coin whether to write the dialogue or not and it landed on heads (write it) and I audibly groaned. I'm extremely dedicated, therefore I'm writing it. 🤓

"Okay, so, basically, we met in class and we had to write poems about each other meaning we had to hang out like over the weekend so we ate lunch and went to a cafe but Yoru, the War Devil by the way, um, she, wait, I forgot what I was gonna say.. um.. OH! She wanted to turn Y/N into a weapon to fight Chainsaw Man and I was like, "What, no, you can't do that!" and she was like, "Nuh uh!", well, she didn't literally say that, but, ugh whatever anyways, we ended up at.. um.. I think my apartment, and I spaced out for some reason and Y/N hugged me since she was worried but then YORU took over and was all like, Y/N- wait, no, I'm touching Y/N right now I'm not gonna say it, oops, anyways, oh, by the way, basically the way her power works is like, she has to own something to turn it into a weapon, so she has to say what it is, then what kind of weapon, so she tried doing that to Y/N and it didn't work and I was like, "WHAT THE HELL!", and had to talk my way out of it because Yoru gave me my body back, then we watched some romance movie and Y/N said I was pretty and it made me really giggly in my head, then we played Uno and I totally beat her and she pulled me into her and I accidentally knocked her out, and uhhh.. oh, then I read a book to her.. oh, I have the book right here.. uhh.. lemme open my.. suitcase.. see, here, book! Anyway, umm.. then.. I don't remember.. uh.. I remember going to the park.. uhh.. oh, we got chased by ducks and Y/N had to carry me which was fun, then some girls tried bullying me but Y/N stood up for me which was really sweet, then we eventually kissed later.. and then I met Chester, which was Y/N's cat.. and he had an army of kittens which was cute and we found out he was a devil and Yoru got really suspicious and the kittens attacked Yoru which really hurt because I'm extremely ticklish, and then.. uhh.. oh, then Denji, oh, you don't know him but he's one of our friends, kind of, he showed up and we had a talk with him and we went to the aquarium and we looked at all the cute fishies and then this Yoshida guy showed up which was SUPER awkward because Yoru asked him out in my body-"

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now