take a step back, letting go of the fear

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After quite a while, you managed to cut most of the corpses' limbs off. Two arms, two legs, twenty fingers, a set of eyes, ears, and feet sit beside you. ONE corpse took long enough, and now you have another to mutilate. You don't even know what to do with the other one. Trash somewhere, most likely.

You can hear music playing from the kitchen. Chester's definitely trying to cheer Asa up. They're probably dancing in the kitchen together. If they are, he totally forced her. It sounds fun. Not fair.

Maybe there's an easier way to do this.

"Heart, return." You put your heart back after it returns to its normal form. You move the corpse in front of you to the side, dragging the other one towards you. You wrap your legs around one of the arms and get a firm grasp on the wrist with both of your hands.

"Are you going to rip it off to speed up the process?"

"W-Well, that's the plan.." You say as you tighten your grip, accidentally breaking a few of the wrist bones. Yoru heard it.

"Be careful with it."

"I know, I know.. err.. I don't wanna rip it out of the joint and just disconnect it from the elbow cuz that's probably what's about to happen, so I'll just pull the forearm."

It rips off almost immediately as you begin to pull fairly hard. You can hear the cracking and splitting of the flesh as you do so. It's kinda gross.

You place it down next to you, a little relieved it came off clean. You continue to do so to the remaining parts you need.

After a few minutes or so, you're done. Yay! Why didn't you do that sooner? You silly goober.

You look at the one lying across your bed. It's lifeless and not twitching anymore. "Hey, Yoru, do you think you could deal with that one later tonight? It's hard to simply dispose of a body.. and these leftover ones."

"I'll talk to Asa about it. She can stay here with you, though you won't be able to touch her."

"Duh. Thanks."

You get up and look down at yourself. You're definitely going to need to replace your bra and underwear. You're covered in blood. Sure hope you didn't touch your face.. it may have splattered, though.

You open the door and walk out. They ARE dancing. Aw, man.

Asa looks over at you and squeaks a little. She seems a bit shocked by how much blood is on you. Chester looks over, standing on his hind legs.

"Girl, take a fucking shower. Like, now."

"I-I'm gonna.. after I clean up. I just wanted to let Asa know I'm done."

"Oh.. you're done?"

"Yuh huh."

"You should at least wash your hands and your face." It IS on your face. Ewww.

You walk to your bathroom and begin washing your hands. You look in the mirror and stare for a while.

How is she able to look at this and not feel disgusted?

It's kinda sweet that she isn't.. in its own little fucked up way.


That thought makes you feel fuzzy as you wash your face. You dry your hands and face off with a towel, walking back out.

You open the door, immediately wondering how you're even gonna clean any of this. It's not on the walls or anything.. well, kinda because you started just ripping everything off instead, but it's mostly just all over the floor. How annoying.

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now