forgive me and the world outside your room

110 11 33

Yoru begins approaching Chainsaw Man, spinning the scythe in her hand. He hasn't noticed either of you yet.. most likely because he's too busy with the clowns piling onto him.

"H-Heart, return." You whisper and put your heart away. You jog behind Yoru while holding your shoulder. "W-Wait, wait, wait, we CANNOT fight him right now, dude.."

She stops and looks at you.

"If you won't help, then leave."

"That's not what I'm saying! We don't even have the weapons!"



"How is this not a good time? He's right there!"

"Yoru, please, I have a bad feeling about this. We'll fight him soon, just not now."

She narrows her eyes at you, staring you down. 


She turns away and continues making her way towards him, walking a bit faster now.

You aren't entirely sure what to do, but..

You didn't get to finish your thought.

She runs at the pile, putting the scythe in her mouth and pulling clowns off of him. It's as if she's clawing through the pile to get to him.

A chainsaw sticks out and cuts through the remaining clowns. Yoru jumps out of the way before it can cut her. She takes the scythe out of her mouth and holds it. 


He slowly gets up, revving his starter up and looks at her.

"Huh.. huh? As-"

"FIGHT ME!" She spins the scythe once more and swings it right at his head. He weaves back and stumbles a bit. "WOAH, WOAH! WHY'RE YOU ATTACKING ME?!"

"SORRY! She's having a bit of an episode!" 

You interrupt her, grabbing onto her shoulder and pulling her away as you back up. "Please excuse her, Mr. Chainsaw dude! We'll, uh, be- OW!" She elbowed your nose.


"A-ASA! SHHH, IT'S OKAAAY! SHHH!" You start patting her head, trying to make this seem as real as possible.

"O-Oh.. an episode, huh.. checks out. W-Wait, what happened to your arm, dude? Doesn't that hurt?" He says, his chainsaws fading away into goop as he points at your.. lack of arm.

"NOOOooo, don't worry! I-It's cosplay!"

"Oooh.. well, I ain't see no more devils.. you two should get to some safety or somethin'."

You look at Yoru. Her entire face is twitching as her eyes drill a hole in your head. "Ha.. haha.. we'll.. um.. go get to safety now.. you should totally go look for more devils that might be nearby!" You say, intensifying your grip on Yoru's shoulder in case she tries to follow him.

"Will do, dude." He says as he backs up and turns around, revving his starter. Yoru starts to walk forward, but you pull her back. Soon enough, he's out of sight.

The moment you let out a sigh of relief, you fall back on the ground, holding your broken nose. 

"You ruined my ONE chance, you IMBECILE!" She kicks your side.

"OW! OH, PLEASE!" You start to get up. "If you REAAALLY wanted to, you would've thrown me aside and attacked him, like, IMMEDIATELY!"


AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now