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As you wake, you find it a little hard to breathe. When you try to lift your head up, your head is pressed down. From what you can tell, Asa's cuddling you as if you were a big teddy bear. It's suffocating you. At least you get her boobs in your face. But again, you can't breathe.

You lift her arms up and roll onto your side. She immediately crawls on top of you, quietly humming and pressing her cheek against your neck. As you kiss her forehead and fully open your eyes, you notice your room in an.. odd state.

Very odd.


You sit up a little, making sure not to bother Asa while you look around your room. Random.. "posters" are plastered across the wall. "Posters" because it's just pieces of paper with things poorly drawn on it. Well, there's a couple of real posters, but they look pretty beat up. 

There's also empty cans of cat food all tied together by a string hanging over your door. Were they washed? Who knows.

Along with other questionable decoration scattered across your room, it looks like a bit of an eye sore. It's almost as if an alleyway threw up in your room. I wonder who could've done it.

You sigh and gently move Asa off of you, putting a pillow in your place. She cuddles up to it as you place it down. You scoot off the bed and open your door, turning the hallway light on.

"Melly, where are you.."

"Ermm.. over here.." He speaks quietly from your table. He seems to be stringing something else together.

"Why's my room full of trash?"

"Tis not trash.. tis.. art." Art?

"You ain't even ask me to do all that stuff, dude.. take it down."

"Ermm.. I shall not. It took me all day. You two were asleep for.. quite a while."

"Well, yeah, it's pretty dark out right now.. uh.. where's Chester? I figured he helped you."

"He's with.. Yoru.. yes. Erm.. training his kin."

"What? They went without us?"

"You were very.. eepy. Therefore, you stayed."

"Oh.. well, where are they?"

"Ermm.. some park.."

"Ain't that kinda close to that field.. ugh." You let out an exaggerated sigh and walk back to your room, closing the door behind you. You sit on the bed by Asa and gently tap her shoulder.

"Psst, Asa. Wake up."



"Huh.. mmphh.." She pulls you down and wraps her entire body around you, shoving your face back into her boobs once again. Seems like she doesn't wanna get up.

You manage to shuffle your way up, and you're now at eye level with her. "Asaaa.. wake up, we gotta head to the park.."

"Noooo.." She speaks softly in a whiney voice. "I wanna.. sleep.. mm.."

"We gotta know how they're training the army so we can like.. make plans or something to fight Chainsaw Man.. something like that."

"Mm-mm.. mm.."

"Asa, c'mon.."

She slowly opens her eyes and stares at you. At first, she seems a little annoyed, but her gaze softens.

"Fiiine.. but.. only because you won't stop bothering me.."

"It's totally because I'm super cute, isn't it? Can't say no?"

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now