i wanna take you away.

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You can feel yourself waking up as the sun shines upon your face. You press your face against something soft.

As you yawn and stretch your arms out, you open your eyes, and fur immediately pokes your eye. You back your head away and look down. Yoru's laying sideways, phasing between the two of you. Her head is phased through your side. Odd. Chester's laid out like a starfish. Your head was against his stomach.

Where's Asa..?

You sit up and rub Chester's stomach for a moment before getting up, stretching again.

The weapons aren't on the ground like they were before you slept, and neither are the two spinal cord swords.

You open the door and walk out into the hallway, opening the bathroom door.

She's cutting the sides of the heads off on your bathroom.


She looks at you, seemingly startled by your sudden appearance. "O-Oh, good morning.. I forgot to do this last night, so.."

"Good morning.. uh.. is that.."

You point at her hand.

She looks down.

"A-Are you using my heart..?"

"Oh, yeah. It jumped out at me when I woke up, so I just decided to use it to cut these."


"It listens to me, too. See, look. Heart, return."

It loses its knife shape and turns back into its normal form.

"Whuh? I didn't know it could do that.. I thought only I could.."

"It's probably because it likes me."

"Hey.. um, how long have you had my heart?"

"Only a few minutes. Why?"

"Cuz I'm starting to feel a bit sick.."

"Oh! I-I forgot, here.." She hands it back to you. You quickly stuff it back into your chest and let out a big sigh. "Thanks.. I wonder how I didn't wake up when it jumped out. Where's the other weapons?"

"I put them under your bed. I thought those might be too strong to just cut these, and I don't have my knife, so I just used your heart. Sorry, I should've woken you up to ask."

"No, it's good, don't worry 'bout it. I'll give it back in a couple of minutes. Just gotta let it rest in me for a lil." You look down at the counter and see that she's already cut most of the head off on one of them. She was in the middle of the next one.

"We gotta get to school soon, yeah?"

"Oh, crap, probably. I didn't keep track of the time."

You think for a moment before taking your heart back out and handing it to her. "You can finish up while I get dressed. You can get dressed quick, right?"

"I-I can try.. Heart, form, set nine." It wiggles and shapes into the knife. Your heart seems more bouncy whenever it interacts with Asa.

You walk back into your room and see Yoru completely phased through Chester. She'd be crushing him if she was in Asa's body. It's an odd sight.

You go through your dresser and grab a bra and underwear, taking your sweater off and changing. You put your uniform on next and mess around with your hair.

As you get your bag ready, you notice those three girls brought theirs here. I mean, you'd all just came from school.


AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now