go waste your breath somewhere to someone new

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i wrote a whole drunken rant like a week ago right here and i just deleted it cuz it was long asf and would confuse me with the chapter length and i dont feel like doing basic math soo it was all just mumbo jumbo anyway (i wish i was drunk rn music goes so much harder when im drunk)

remember that theory i came up with on chapter 30 me sayin that maybe me getting hurt gives me motivation to write

that was correct!

now i have a new experience to write!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! (im a fucking idiot)

heres the chapter guys, sorry this took almost 2 weeks i havent been doing so good lately and ive been trying to write everyday but i just couldnt but we're back i guess

i extended it one more time cuz i realized i didnt cover some stuff so you get more chapters yay (this would be over in like.. 3-4 chapters if i didnt do that thats just a guess it mightve been less lmao actually thats not a guess it wouldve been over in 3-4 chapters LMFAOO i actually needed to extend it this time though so you're welcome (ive extended it 3 times already))

As you open your eyes, you're met with somebody aggressively shaking your shoulders and in your face.

"Y/N! WAKE UP!" Asa yells at you, sitting on top of you and squishing your face together.


"Oh, you're awake."


"I've been trying to wake you up for the past twenty minutes! Get up!"

She rolls off of you and you sit up, rubbing your eyes. "Did somethin' happen..? Why I gotta get up.."

"I wanna read to you."

"Oh.. still ain't gotta wake me up like that, though.."

"You've woken me like that before! Now you know how I feel.." She gets up off the bed, going through her books and grabbing the one you've been reading. She sits back down next to you and props the pillows up behind her, laying against them.

You cuddle up against her, pulling the blanket to cover both of your laps. She finds the bookmarked page and opens the book.

As she begins to read to you, you apparently left off at the part right before your favorite character dies. She just read it. Your entire day is now ruined.

"NOOOO! WHY'D THEY KILL HER OFF! WAHHHH!" You yell, bumping against Asa as you sway side to side.

"Y/N, it's okay, I cried when I first read it. I wasn't expecting you to, like.. freak out.."





"W-Why not? It's still good, I promise!"


She sighs and closes the book, placing it beside her. "Okay, okay, we don't have to read right now then. We WILL finish this at some point, though. Even if I have to make you read with me."

You sniffle a bit and stop swaying, looking at her. "Fine, I just gotta process it.."

"You'll be okay. HOWEVER!"


She stands up and grabs a notebook, beginning to scribble on it. It looks like some kind of diagram. She turns around and shoves it in your face.

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now