are you really who they idolize

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It's been at least four days since you'd agreed to help her make new weapons, and, well..

It has been completely unsuccessful. You both forgot you're terrible at socializing. Yoru had to explain how her power works after you questioned why it couldn't be somebody random. It's gotten you a bit worried that you might be turned into a weapon someday, since you realized all of those were spinal cords. Sounds extremely familiar to what "Asa" had said to you the first time you went to her apartment in the kitchen. You could've been in that pile. Oh well! You're not sure how to feel about Yoru, but nothing has been tried since then. Well, in your knowledge, at least. You've ALSO realized that Yoru did.. those things to you. You don't know how to feel about that, either, but it was hot, so it's okay.

It's, like, Friday now. You aren't sure, nobody really cares about dates anyway. That's a lie. I'm lying to you. Fuck what day it is. It doesn't matter. That's another lie. I'm going to continue to lie to you.

Since it's a Friday, supposedly, don't care, you're at an arcade with Asa after school. You're having plenty of fun with her, and you've just arrived at another arcade machine.

Also, Denji's tagging along. Asa doesn't necessarily want to hang around him, but Yoru said so. Poor girl.

He has been standing closer to you, though. Probably because you're talking to him a lot more than Asa is. You feel kinda bad for the guy.

Asa inserts a couple coins into the machine and starts playing the game. 

She doesn't seem very experienced with the game, but she's doing well. You and Denji watch from beside her. "Can you both back up a bit? I gotta focus.." She says. You two give her some space as she continues to play. Denji seems a little bored and isn't really paying attention to what she's playing.

Oh, she died. She kinda sucks at the game. That's a lie. I'm gonna stop lying to you now.

"Asa, lemme play! I bet I'll get a higher score than you!" You say and hover over her. "Will you, though? The game's kinda hard.."

"Hey, guys, I'm gonna go play on the DDR machine. I've never played it before." Denji says, beginning to walk away. You tap him a little and he turns towards you. "We can come with. I've never played it either, and I kinda wanna see how Asa does. Don't just wander away from us."

"You two kinda seem like you're having fun on your own, so you don't gotta come with."

"Don't be like that, Denji! We want you here!"

Do we..

Denji looks down at you smiling at him, then at Asa, letting out a small sigh. "Alright. I'm not paying for you two, though!"

"Well, duh." You start to walk off with him, but you realize Asa hasn't moved. "Asa, come on!"


"Y/N, can I talk to you in the bathroom really quick?"



"O-Oh, uh, okay.. we'll be right back, Denji."


You both walk towards the entrance of the bathroom, going in and entering a big stall. Nobody's in the bathroom. 

"Is somethin' wrong?"

"How are you so casual about this?"

"..What do you mean?"

AFFILIATION AND BLISS [PART 1] [ASA MITAKA] [WLW]Where stories live. Discover now