Chapter 21: Waking Up

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Okay, this wasn't as soon as possible. I tried but I just didn't get around to it. Well here is the 21st chapter!!!~ Danny


     Sophia's POV

         I watched as Liyah walked out, looking so hurt. I snapped my head in Jey's direction, seeing the full-blown smirk on his face. A lot of things were running through my head. I knew this was going to end up seriously bad. " Do you know what you did? " I said glaring at Jey. He just sat there looking at me amused. My wolf wasn't even worried about him, it was more worried about what Liyah was going to do. I walked over to Jey, not thinking once as I slammed my fist right into his face. As I pulled away more blood came out of his face, but not as much as when Liyah hit him.

                             I walked out of the club, with only Liyah on my mind. Once I got outside, I saw Jake standing there. As I brushed passed him, I felt something tug on me. I looked back knowing who it could've been. " What do you want " I said angrily. He immediately put his head down, looking pathetic. " Do you think I'm a horrible brother? " he said glancing up at me. Is he really serious?? Who asks such a dumb question? " Yea your a very horrible brother. The most horrible brother in the world " I said over exaggerating each word. As soon as I said that, I started walking away from him, not wanting to talk to him anymore. In a matter of minutes, I was at our street walking down it. A anxious and worried feeling started flowing into me as I neared the house. 

                             Why was I feeling this way? Liyah couldn't have done anything serious, she just doesn't have it in her. But in the back of my mind, I knew it was not going to be a pretty sight. I walked up the porch and up to the door, taking one big gulp as I opened the front door of the house. " Liyah? " I yelled. I didn't hear a sound, which was pushing me closer to the edge. I paced up the stairs, wanting to see if Liyah was alright. I went to her door and knocked on it profusely." Liayh are you in there? " I said with my voice quivering. When I still didn't hear a sound I opened the door to see no one in the room. I walked in looking for any signs if she was here. I glanced over at the bathroom door to see blood seeping from beneath the door.

                       I rushed over to the door, banging on the door, until it busted open. Shock just over to  as I saw the sight before me. Liyah was on the ground, with her wrist bloody and mutilated. I gasped as I rushed over to her, my shoes getting covered in blood in the process. I   stooped right next to her, slowly taking her into my arms. She was cold, making my heart drop in my chest. Is she alive, or is she dead? I picked her up carefully and ran out of the room, panicking as I made my way downstairs. 

                   I ran out to the house, running in the direction of the hospital. Luckily I didn't live far from the hospital. As I ran to the emergency door, I saw that there was kind of a crowd. I pushed through the door, running up to the receptionist. " I need help ASAP!! My friend lost alot of blood " I said. The lady got on the phone and called some place in the hospital. Only moments later until a bunch of doctors came rushing in with a stretcher hurrying over to me. They took Liyah from me, and placed on the stretcher. As they wheeled her away, I tried following but one of the nurses stopped me. I couldn't go with her, making me very uneasy.

                     But I knew Liyah would probably pull through.

                     Da'liyah's POV

                    I felt myself panting, trying to catch my breath. I couldn't stop though, I had to keep running. As I planted my feet more into the forest ground, I heard a twig snap in the distance, heading in my direction. I couldn't move, it was like I was frozen in my place. I closed my eyes, trying not to feel afraid, but that wasn't the feeling that was overwhelming me. It was clarity, which felt weird. I exhaled shakily as I turned around, facing whatever that was after me. As I turned around, I saw an enormous black wolf with piercing blue eyes that were staring back at me. I wasn't afraid anymore, so I walked up to it, wanting to get a closer look. 

                                           Once I was near it, I brushed my fingers through its hair. It was silky black, with a tinge of dark blue. It looked down at me as it pressed itself closer to me, making me feel warm. I never wanted to leave its side, but I had to. As the scenery, slowly started to fade, the wolf mouth to me something that was barely audible. But before I could catch it completely, a darkness over took me. I started to stir, as my eyes slide open. I looked around the room, which seemed to look like a hospital room. I glanced over at the person sitting in the chair across from me. I knew who it was as they looked back at me. It was Sophia holding a cupcake with a candle in it. I looked at the cupcake strangely, wondering why she had it in the first place.

                          " What's the cupcake for? " I croaked. My voice was weak and crackly. Sophia placed the cupcake in my hand as she smiled brightly. " Make a wish for your 18th birthday " she said lighting the candle. I looked at her in shock, not knowing if she was joking serious. " Yes today is your birthday. You've been the hospital for 2 and half months " Sophia said looking down. I looked down at my hand to notice the big bandages around my wrist. The memories started to seep in, looking back on the choice I made. It wasn't the best choice I've made, but I have no regrets. I lifted the candle to my lips and blew it out, making my wish. I slowly ate the cupcake, not really hungry to begin with. After I finished eating it, I wanted to ask Sophia some questions. " When will I be able to leave? " I asked wanting to leave as soon as possible.

                                  " They said if you're awake and fine then you could leave. I guess you can leave today " Sophia said getting up to get a nurse. The nurse looked me over and asked me the normal doctor questions. After she deemed me alright to leave, I changed my clothes and headed out with Sophia. One thing I did notice is that my clothes were really baggy on me, making me assume I losed weight. I didn't feel like going back to Sophia's house because I knew Jey was probably going to be there. I didn't want him finding me, I wanted to stay far away from him. " Hey Sophia, why don't we go to Lily's and stay there for a few months? " I asked curiously. Sophia looked at me and read my expression easily.

                                            " Yea sure, but I'm going to have to keep a good eye on you " she said pointing at me playfully. I chuckled as we left the hospital and got in her car. We stopped off at Sophia's house, only to pack clothes and keep it moving. But I noticed is that Jey's clothes and things disapeared. I shrugged it off, not wanting to know. We made it back to the car, and started down the road to Lily's place. Lily is like my twin, well not blood-related, but we where really close. She moved away though, not intentionally but to help her family members with financal problems. And of course she's a werewolf like me too ( in case you were wondering, probably not though). Luckily she only lived and few cities away from Sophia so it would be easy getting to her in no time. But on the way there, we talk alot about what we're going to do there. 


Sorry I couldn't upload this sooner! I plan on working on a another chapter today because the idea for the next chapter is still fresh in my head. I will try to upload it by today or tomorrow. But for now Bye!! Pleaz  Comment, and Vote! ~ Danny

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