Chapter 6: Tatted Up

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Hey there!! I just been thinkin alot about this story. So that's why Im writin more of it!!!! Getting packed with homework. URG!!!!!!when will it ever end!!!! But anyways heres the next chapter!!!


Da'liyah's POV 

             "Do I have to do this?" I said groaning. I was siting at the kitchen looking up at Sophia's eager face." Yes you do. I'll bring along Blake and DJ."she said trying very hard to convince me. It was tempting but I refused. "Come on it'll be fun" she said shaking me. "Nope I'm not going to do it" I said getting up to go to my room. 

     I got to my room and plopped right on my bed. Why were they trying so hard o convince me? I thought about the pain that would come with it. As I pondered the idea I started dosing off. Soon I was in a comfortable dream that lasted forever.

9 Hours Later..................................................

I woke up on my back grunting. I felt a stinging pain all over my shoulder blades. What the hell happened while I was out? I was on my bed still, but something was way off. I hopped the bed and walked over to my closet. I took off my shirt, only to find more pain. Gosh, what the fuck happened?!?!?! I went over to my length-sized mirror, only to be horrified. 

         I had a "Jey'on" tattooed on my back with wings around it. I was fucking pissed, why the hell did Sophia ? Without another word I stormed downstairs, ohh it's on now. When I got down there I saw Sophia laughing on the couch.  The thing I yelled out " Why the fuck would you do this!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

          With that she only laughed harder. I grabbed my phone and my car keys and headed out the door. I called up DJ to find out his address. He answered after a few seconds." Wats up?" he said sounding occupied." Um where do you live" I said staring over my shoulder, looking at the tattoo. It was so frickin huge.

      Sophia was is gonna pay for this, seriously. DJ told me the address, and I was there in no time. I got out the car and walked up to door. I knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer . After I heard someone come  to the door. It flung open, and I saw the one and only DJ. His light brown was tossled all over like he just woke up. His ivory green eyes looked tired and bored. He had on a black top the hugged his body perfectly. You could obviously tell he had had a six pack under there. With some baggy sweat pants to go with it . Over all he looked like a model out of a magazine.

     "Hey, so what's wrong?" he said running his fingers through his hair. I couldn't answer at the moment . Then he said " And why do you just have a bra and a pair of short shorts on?" he faced showed confusion. It was like I just lost my voice at that moment, so the only thing I could is turn around. I turned around slowly so he could see it. " Wow, Um why you get and who is Jey'on?" he questioned me. " Can I come in and tell you?" I said. " Sure you can" he said.

        He moved out the way so I could get in. I walked in and was awed, the interior designs were a pure beauty. I slowly made my way to the living room, still taking in the environment  around me.

I made my way  to what looked like a lounge, taking a seat on the long couch. DJ followed right behind me. He sat across from me in the recliner, waiting for me to talk."So you want me to start from the beginning?" I hesitantly said. "Well that will be the best part to start at " he said looking straight in my eyes. 

      I let out a big sigh before starting." Well Sophia wanted me to get a tattoo for some stupid reason. I told her I hate needles and i don't want one. So with that I went off  to my room so I could some rest. Then I fell asleep for I don't know how long, then I woke up to a stinging pain in my back. I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror only to see this tattoo on my back." I said irritated.

"So what  does the tattoo mean?" DJ said smirking a little. I rolled my eyes and began to tell him about my fucked up mate." Jey'on is my  exboyfriend which I loathe so much, Sophia thought it would be very funny to put it on my back " anger was clear through my statement.

"Well I think you get back at Sophia for doing it, don't you think? " he said trying to convince me to do something.  He was doing a damn good job with that . Then a sudden idea popped into my mind , and it had to do with blood.I snapped out of my thoughts, and jumped up to my feet. "DJ thanks for the brilliant idea" I said rushing out the door." Wait can I come too?" he said following me. 

        "If your following me that means your coming " I said open the door to the car. He jumped in while I was trying to pull out his driveway." You could've got in the car when I got in " I said speeding to the market. I speed down the highway so fast that I looked over to DJ who was digging his nails into dashboard. 

         His face was hilarious, his eyes were wide and his nostrils were flaring. With him doing this I went even faster for my enjoyment. We finally made it to the market to get the "equipment" for Sophia. I got out the car and practically ran into the store. Soon I was down the aisle were they kept the knives. I was looking for the sharpest one. Ohh payback is a bitch, and it was coming at Sophia hardcore.  

     I grabbed one that I grew fond of, then went to the medicine aisle. I grabbed some sleeping pills and headed to  the check out line. After they checked me out I raced back to the car, only to see DJ int the same positon I left him. 

 I didn't say anything as I got in because I trying to hold back my laughter. He was in that much shock over one car drive, and they call him a dude. But I headed off to a McDonald's so I can get some drinks. I turned to DJ only to be awed, he had fallen to sleep from to much shock. He looked so adorable when fallen asleep, too bad that he was gay or I would've got with him by now.

I pulled into the drive through and ordered one sprite and a cherry coke. I got my order and pulled into the parking lot . I got the sleeping pills and knife from the bag, I took two of the pills and crushed them up. I put it into the sprite so I would know the difference between them. I started stirred it so it would dissolve some. After I did that I pulled out the parking lot and made my way home. This time I went a little slower so I wouldn't  wake up DJ.

    I finally got home without waking up Mr. Sleepy Pants. I shoved the knife in my back pocket but it didn't work cause I was wearing short shorts. So I brought the whole bag of sleeping pills and the sharp knife. I grabbed the drinks and then made my way to the front door. Since I had a key I opened the door with ease. I saw Sophia on the couch still, I guess this would be easier than I thought. I smiled brightly and her. She then looked at me and snickered a little. But she won't be snickering soon.

  " I brought you a drink from McDonald so drink it " I said handing her the sprite. She grabbed it ignoring me a little , all her focus was on the TV. She started chugging it down like it was no tomorrow. I just smiled and started sipping mine, waiting for her to pass out. I looked at her intently seeing how here eyelids were closing. I waited 10 minutes in till I heard her snore, with that I headed off to the kitchen. I put the knife over the stove burner, waiting for it to be hot. 

        After a good 45 minutes it was red hot and steaming. I made my way over to Sophia with a sinister grin planted on my face. I lifted up her shirt to see her stomach. I pressed the knife on her stomach in till I saw blood come out of the wound. I did this in till I had my nickname printed on her stomach. I raced toward the closet so I can get a towel. I made my way back to Sophia to wipe the blood off her stomach. I cleaned it properly even though I heard her groan out in pain a few times.

As I finished up, I beamed with happiness. My work was awesome in my eyes and I got my revenge on her. I sat next to her and started sipping my drink. Now right now I didn't care about the tattoo on back. Right now I was fucking happy and I loved it. 


Tell me wat you though about this chapter!!! my friends at school told me to make it longer so I tried my best !!!!! Pleaz 



     AND FAN ME!!!!!!

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